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The Positive Hedgehog for September 24, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Sep 23 2018

The Positive Hedgehog - ACTIVE WEATHER!

I will do a very short entry for now because it's super late and I still need to go to bed. Anyway, Friday there were two tornadoes that touched down in the Ottawa area, which is very odd. Climate change is a real issue, man. Yes, I am getting concerned because of it, but life still goes on.

I think I will leave it here for this week. Thank you all for supporting The Rabbit Hole and listening to Doggy Radio.

The Positive Hedgehog / Sonic out.

Ricochet? How about those darn updates of yours?


The Positive Hedgehog - A little addendum

But before I let Ricochet read his Ricochet Updates, I will make my blog for this week just a tad bit longer for you all. Sunday night I went to the pharmacy and they didn't have anymore Diet Pepsi, so I had no choice but to get regular Pepsi. 2 6-packs, and I will make sure that I will make these last until the very end of the month since I don't have all that much money with me anymore. It's fine...

And NOW it's time for the Ricochet Updates. Take it away, Ric!



The Positive Hedgehog for September 17, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Sep 17 2018

'NEW program for The Positive Hedgehog Radio' on The Positive Hedgehog

Mixxx! Yup, the program that Romeo uses is now pinned on my taskbar and is ready for me to use anytime. I was able to hop on the 9550 port with what the password that I had to copy from Butt, but the problem was that I still can't get on The Cove Radio... even with the proper password. It says 'network error' on their server when I log in and play using butt even though it says 'stream time' on Butt, but it just fails to connect using Mixxx.

I will get in touch with the admin for The Cove Radio though. More to come...


'Hurricane Florence' on The Positive Hedgehog

Now, the hurricane's not coming to my city, folks, but I just heard that she's a Cat 2 with a wind speed of 100 mph with wind gusts of 120. She's moving only at 5 mph. Horrible situation for the Carolinas, and her focus is Wilmington NC and Myrtle Beach SC. My dad was planning a vacation over there in Myrtle Beach, but nope... since the storm is going to deliver a whole lot of destruction with flooding rains and storm surge, I think both Wilmington and Myrtle Beach will be scarred for a good few years from now.

Florence is becoming a miserable bitch for the Carolina Coast. Well, if the people, that were vacationing there or living there, didn't heed the warnings to get of the path of Florence, they need to hunker down. They might not survive this, but eh we'll see. I even saw someone making a complete dumb move by just surfing off of the Wrightsville Beach NC just before Florence came to the coast, and the waves already were big.

Anyway, this hedgehog is glued to CNN.


The Positive Hedgehog for early Saturday morning

Wow, what a time to be doing this! We have 2 major storms on both sides of the globe... one in the Carolinas and one hitting the Philippines. Yeah, I am a weather-enthusiast, but something about this scares the whoopie out of me, censoring myself. I know about climate change and that there is little to nothing that can be done about it. I wish we could. Anyway, yeah... Friday night I was able to get my bio done on The Cove Radio's site. Between now and Monday evening, when I will be putting on another DJ Sonic show (and after that, the next show will be on Friday, September 28th since I don't want to go for weeks without a show), and when this blog will be read, I will be at another hotel, but only for one night... Sunday into Monday. The hotel's name is Hotel Spa Watel. I know that my dad and I were in the area quite a bit in the past years having a drive there, but we've never ever stayed there yet, and it would be very awesome to stay there for a night. Anyway, I am keeping up with Florence right now.


The Positive Hedgehog while the Saturday Night Safety Dance is on

It's Sunday morning right now, and I just came back from a Taco Bell supper last night, being Saturday night, and came back from a nice Nuit Blanche. Holy heck, it was 82 on Saturday and still was in the high 70s during the evening, so I took full advantage of that. I was just talking with JCollie on Twitter, seeing how he was doing. Told him that I probably won't be in the chat panel during the whole evening during the night since I will be at that hotel, Hotel Spa Watel, and probably will taking full advantage swimming in the pool since my dad and I will only be there tomorrow night into Monday.

This is where I'll leave it for this week since I will be enjoying DJing for myself in the car. I have removed all my wallpapers except a few ones here and there, like my Sonic Scratchpad and now a NEW wallpaper for DJing in the car ONLY using my VLC players. This deletion was necessary since I have made room for the new Mixxx software that I now have. I can't really use anymore wallpapers if I wanna use Mixxx since it will take up my whole screen. It needs to be the whole screen to use the software properly, not in full screen mode, but maximized.

Anyway, I will be showing you the new wallpaper that I just made... and on that note, have a great week everyone!


The Positive Hedgehog: Addendum!

Well, I chose not to go to the hotel. The reason behind not going was simple: My dad wanted me to get up too early to get on the road when it was only 60 miles to the north. I would have understood it if was more like 600 miles or more like 1500 miles, although I told my dad that Wilmington and Myrtle Beach are off limits for now, sad to say. Anyway, yes, I stood my ground and didn't give in with me promising not to go after telling my dad that I needed my sleep. Sleep is more important than anything, ya know, and I sleep anytime I have to let my body sleep. Yeah I stay up at all hours of the night, but hey I'm just being myself.



The Positive Hedgehog for September 10, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Sep 10 2018

The Positive Hedgehog for Friday - 1st day back at the Action Center in a good couple of months.

Well, I told everyone after the car accident that my dad had and since I was in the car with him, I felt the impact as well. Thank God that I was definitely not using my laptop at the time or else I wouldn't not been able to write blogs anymore. The air bags really did work really well! Anyway, why am I letting the accident linger?

Anyway, today was a beautiful morning! I didn't sleep at all and I was able to perform really well with 0 hours of sleep. I dunno how I can do that at times... I just do.

I might write up something tomorrow, which is Saturday, so stay tuned to The Positive Hedgehog...


Another blog coming at you for Saturday... The Positive Hedgehog

Today is a special day. Woke up around 3:15pm after falling asleep at 5:30am, I did fall asleep Friday afternoon when I came back from DJing. I was so dead tired after ZERO hours of sleep... I still don't know how I pulled it off as good as I did. Anyway, yeah, I did wake up around 3:15 and my dad is treating me to a restaurant with yummy food. My friend, Charlie, wanted to relax today after me as I did ask if he was doing anything.

Anyway, I am happy to announce to you all that the FUNDAY PAWPET SHOW is now back in action!

Go to http://pawpet.tv for more info.

I am very proud to announce this on The Positive Hedgehog. Thanks to FPS, Romeo Rabbit for The Rabbit Hole, Boomer & Ricochet for Doggy Radio for furry content every single weekend, although FPS will be downgraded just a tad.

I hope you guys have an excellent week for the upcoming week.


The Positive Hedgehog

I feel like I didn't close the blog properly in my last entry, but before I do, there will be a minor change to my weekly blog's title, it will now be "Inside The Positive Hedgehog's Mind" and I thought of it on my own since I now have The Positive Hedgehog Radio when I DJ online. Right now I am just listening to the Saturday Night Safety Dance. Now I will close my blog properly.

The Positive Hedgehog's blogger, JaSonic, thanks all of you for taking an interest in his life every week.


The Positive Hedgehog - ADDENDUM! Something that I really need to add

Sorry, guys, but the Ricochet Updates will have to wait until I got something else to add here. I see that Boomer E-Mailed me back on this subject, but WoofsWoofs.com - Dog music. I know that Boomer is THRILLED with this information that I have given him. I think Ricochet will go to that site as well to listen to dog music.

Anyway, that was my addendum, now on to the Ricochet Updates...

