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The Positive Hedgehog for October 29, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Oct 28 2018

'25 hours!' on The Positive Hedgehog

So yeah, my day started on Monday morning, the 22nd, when my alarm clock buzzed at 2:45 in the morning to catch Doggy Radio. After the show, I guess I just did some more Internet. During the afternoon, I still did Internet, but it was AFTER supper that I decided to have a Nuit Blanche. I had to get my winter jacket on because it was really coolish out, but I also wanted some much-needed air. When it was like reaching 9, 10, and 11, I was getting very very tired, and I headed home. I was brave enough, although very exhausted, to have a session with Sonic... you know, one of my 'Sonic Adventures'. Now, Tuesday rolls around and I am up for yet another Nuit Blanche! Anyway, that's all for now since I need to shave.

Now, the reason for the entry to say 25 hours is because I went to bed at around 3 or 4 in the morning on Tuesday. I couldn't even keep my eyelids up, they were just too heavy at that point.


The Positive Hedgehog for hump day

So. early early on, talking about past midnight, I download a copy of PhotoImpact that Boomer sent me since I was talking to him about transparency and I was fooling around with the program, trying to understand how certain things work in the program. It's certainly better than my Paint program, I will tell you that much since I see what the program can do first-hand. At like 4:30pm today, I think I just perfected what I was out to do and I am like patting myself on the back for it. I did send Boomer something with a classic Sonic logo, a lock screen, the screen before you get logged into your Windows 10 session. What I was trying to do was to remove the white background that the logo was sitting on, and with Paint you can't do this, but with PhotoImpact you can. Anyway, all this to say was with the Sonic logo I had as my lock screen picture, the logo had something going on on the edges like it didn't look all that clean, but now after 4:30pm, I went back to PhotoImpact since this was just bugging me too much, and I put what Boomer told me to do to the test yet again and SUCCESS! The finished product is now on as my lock screen picture. If Boomer wants to put the comparison pictures up on his main website or in my Sonic section, that will be up to him. I will allow him to do whatever he wants to do.

Right now, I am going to go to McDonald's to have 3 McWraps and lots of McGriddles (only the buns since they are doused in syrup, yum yum!). I will send that picture off to Boomer when I can, but I think I will do that right after I end this entry. I will see about getting yet another Nuit Blanche in, the 3rd time this week.

Stay tuned for more ramblings.


The Positive Hedgehog for early Friday morning

Thursday night was THE night that I managed to have a full Nuit Blanche, 4th one in a row, but the ones on Monday through Wednesday I came back home very early. It's okay. At least I did a full one on Thursday night. Tonight (Friday night) I will be doing a DJ Sonic show on The Cove Radio. My friend, Melissa from the Action Center, told me that there is a good possibility that the DJ will be there to do the Halloween Dance, so I will do my normal time, 8pm until who knows, because if the DJ wasn't gonna be there, I would have started 2 hours earlier, and they would have a computer and pump it through their PA system, and I would finish my show earlier. Anyway, I might ramble on *cue Led Zeppelin* during the day as well.


The Positive Hedgehog, 3 days into 1.

Oh my heavens, I have to get this on before I fill in for Romeo in at 10pm tonight.

Let's start with Friday where I came on at like 8pm and right away I was having some problems - My fault actually because I was not observant enough that on top of the Auto DJ area was the Server area where you can turn on and off the server... so about 45 minutes, The Cove Radio was just dead like a doorknob... complete silence. I was ashamed of myself calling myself a dunce since I was not observant. Heck, I even went on the air and called myself a dunce, which maybe wasn't a wise move, but it's like whatever, lol. 2nd thing was closer to the middle of my show, and TWICE my Mixxx software shut down on me for no apparent reason although maybe there was a hiccup on the server itself, maybe that might have done the abrupt shutdown of Mixxx.

Saturday, I went on The Cove Radio for 3pm because I wanted to fill that void while The Rabbit Hole was off. I only managed to go half way to 6, lol, but I did tell everyone (no one was listening sadly) that the Evilest Art Show was coming up although I did finish early. ALSO!!! Because I didn't hear from Boomer the whole day, I was getting worried since there's a ton of very bad things happening in the US nowadays, it's horrible! But The Positive Hedgehog is not about to go political on you guys, don't worry. I am just glad that when I got the first 3 E-Mails from because it relieved me. Anyway, on to Sunday...

I am now getting ready to do my DJing, subbing for The Rabbit Hole like I said on the top of this entry. I am just hoping that lots of furs with want to listen tonight to fill that 5-hour void between OH! Pawpets and Doggy Radio. I'll just do my very best, and if no one wants to listen, at least I have both AM 690 and 87.9 FM on my side.

OK, 8:15pm right now so I best leave it here for now. I hope you all have a SPOOKY Halloween on Wednesday, and don't forget to tune in to The Cove Radio on Tuesday for my SPECIAL Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack presentation.

This is The Positive Hedgehog, DJ Sonic with JaSonic, uhmm and I will say that for those of you who went to Furloween, I hope you all had a great time!


The Positive Hedgehog ??? RADIO ??? while I DJ?

Yes! I am writing something while I DJ in the usual rabbitpaw's time slot. He's at Furloween. My Icecast status just hit SEVEN for the listener peak. That's just fabulous! And with that hard / heavy metal song from System of a Down, I never lost any listeners from that song, which is just awesome possum =D

I am out of here!



The Positive Hedgehog for October 22, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Oct 21 2018

'Windstorm' on The Positive Hedgehog

It's like between 5:30 and 6 in the morning, went to bed very early Monday night and got up like at 1:30 in the morning. Nowadays I have been waking up at odd times just because I go to bed so early the night before, lol. I guess it's just my body telling me when to get some sleep, but I dunno about all the times that I have woken up before, just seems so odd!

Because I was hearing myself on the radio trying to do that audio blog for all of you, and because of a hoarse voice, I have decided to let Boomer read all of my blogs from now on and I am completely fine with this. I will just stick to DJing online on The Cove Radio and announcing things on the microphone, but this time I will try to go 8 hours WITHOUT touching the FX1 and FX2 buttons for the whole time and I will see if the problem just lays with the sound effects... ANYWAYS!!! I don't want to bore you good people with that.

Right now I am in the midst of a windstorm and there's power outages all over Montreal. I was in the bathroom when the lights flickered, but for the most part, I've been spared. I also was kind of weary of using my laptop since it's busy charging and I don't want to have a lazy battery.

I also helped my dad with a 70-inch TV that he got. Took me a good few hours before I had the chance to go to McDonald's for those spicy crispy buffalo chicken poutines! I had 3 of them, and a double hamburger, which was good also. I was pretty full after that.

I don't want to make my Tuesday entry to the blog too long though. I don't know what else to say, I guess I have extinguished everything that I needed to say in this entry. Stay tuned for more, if there's more...


'Second Life on Wednesday morning' on The Positive Hedgehog

Once again, I woke up at 1:45am after going to bed at 5:10pm late Tuesday afternoon and the reason the title of my entry is the way it is is because I am on Second Life at the moment while I type this and I am in an area where no one can disrupt me while I do an entry, except maybe my friends on my friend list, rofl. So there's a gas station at the sim I'm at right now and there's a convenient store. In that convenient store there is a bathroom which has a clickable door to enter and now my avatar is on the toilet doing a, I don't want to tell you guys what he's doing, he's just waiting until I am done with my entry so I can control him once again, but he is just sitting pretty on the toilet, my little Sonic avatar. Cute =D

Yeah, odd that I get up at these times. I feel good, but there's something that I don't like about when I wake up. I will have to maybe get my body used to maybe going to bed at 10pm Thursday night since I need to be well-rested for my all-day DJing gig at the Action Center on Friday. Been a really long time since I was there due to a personal problem that I have had at home.

Now, back to Second Life... and stay tuned.


Friday morning on The Positive Hedgehog

And it's still a no go for me to go at the Action Center since that I still have an ongoing personal problem at home... I am quarantining myself at home today and will be doing a broadcast later on tonight. 2 DJ shows for this week, WOW! Anyway, yeah that's all I have for now.


'Success!!! (Sunday rambling)' on The Positive Hedgehog

Even BEFORE I start this entry off, I am dabbling in Telegram messages. MAN! I wanna tell you that I am on there all the time! I just LOVE Telegram! For everyone out there, I know I have the info on that Sonicstream page, but I will put my Telegram handle in here - Telegram handle: DJ_Sonic. ANYONE can add me, but just a side note here... I *AM* a nsfw hedgehog, so you need to know that before you decide to add me so you are not surprised one day when I talk about nsfw stuff with you.

Anyway, on to me DJing... Before I even started to play, someone else was on the radio, and to be sure not to miss any of his content, I pumped his music through to terrestrial Sonic 95.5 FM. The DJ who was on before me, his name is DJ MetalWolf (aka SeanWolf as I have seem him a few times in the past in Pawpet IRC). I told him to keep the stream alive without enabling Auto DJ and to tell me when his last song will be, and here I thought I would start at 8:05pm, but no he gave the stream over to DJ Sonic right at 8pm, which was nice of him.

I grabbed hold of the stream right away by enabling the connection on my Mixxx software. The downside to that was like 2 hours later and a bit where my computer suffered a major hiccup, lol. Yeah, it stalled. I didn't want to do a hard shut down since that would have caused a few minutes of dead air on The Cove Radio, something that this DJ *DOESN'T* want that to happen, so I just had to wait it out and let my laptop come back from the dead. I had to remove my headphones at that time because that freeze froze the song to a point of just pure noise. Loud noise also since my volume control didn't work either. EVERYTHING was frozen. When my laptop came back to life, my Mixxx software went away, but I opened another session and quickly reconnected to The Cove Radio.

I then checked the listener count, and thankfully the listeners before the huge hiccup was the same as the listener count after the huge hiccup. Maybe they refreshed the page a couple times while I had that huge hiccup. Anyway, maybe the reason, too, for that hiccup was because I was monitoring my own stream via VLC player, and this is why there was a 3rd listener, that was me listening to my own stream... muted, though, since I don't wanna hear echo in my music. The overlapping isn't pumped through the stream, though, thankfully!

Anyway, this has been the 3rd time this week that I did a show on the air, and I am very happy about that. The last half hour was like mellow since I did play "Barking At The Moon" from the Bolt soundtrack and Vangelis' "Friends of Mr. Cairo". I *WAS* going to play that 13-minute song "Do You Feel Like I Do" by Peter Frampton, but nah, I know it was like half an hour before I went off the air, but I still wanted to DJ, damn it, and not sit idling through a 13-minute song, so you know what I did? Throw on West End Girls by the Pet Shop Boys instead, which is a great song as well! I may throw Do You Feel Like I Do in the future when I have more time to play.

Boomer wrote to me while I was on the air, which is a good test for my Mixxx program if it's stable enough to go to another window... ANYWAY!!! Back to what I was saying - While The Hug Song was playing, Ricochet came in and Boomer gave him a hug. GREAT TIMING I should say. I then got a request to play Cake and then after I decided on my own to play a Grateful Dead song. MAN! Talking about me DJing like this really puts a smile on my face.

Wow, many paragraphs to this entry, lol. I just wanted to make it easier for Boomer to read off instead of just a big wall of text. Makes it easier for me to read as well.

Okay, well, time for me to wrap things up because this entry really took me time to write up.

Just one more thing, guys. If anyone wants to have a listen, if you don't have any Halloween party to go to, I will be going on the air on October 30th at 8pm ET where I will be presenting a SPECIAL 45-minute (or less since I may heavily edit the songs so that they blend together at the end and the starting of a new song) Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack... ALL OF THE SONGS will be played. And then on the 31st, DJ MetalWolf will be presenting a special show on his show, his HALLOWEEN EXTRAVAGANZA! I won't miss that since I will be listening in on his show on the 31st.

This is DJ Sonic, JaSonic, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Jason (my real name) saying for The Positive Hedgehog (Blog and Radio), The DJ Sonic Show on Sonic 95 - Have a super duper upcoming week!

Now, time for Ric's Updates, from Listeners Like You *inserts PBS saying here*... Thank You!

Addendum for Sonic 95 (The Positive Hedgehog Radio)

I am adding another date for me to go on the air as well. This coming Friday, the 26th, at 8pm ET. I will only play the whole entire RHPS soundtrack on the 30th though, but there will still be lots of Halloween music on the 26th.




The Positive Hedgehog October 15, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Oct 17 2018

'Blogless the whole week until today' on The Positive Hedgehog

Nothing much to say except that my sleep pattern is still messed up as usual and I had a great time DJing this 2nd time going 8 hours strong, 2 'burn out' sets, wow! Just how do I do it? I personally don't know. Anyway, my microphone went all scratchy on me the 2nd time, but it's not a huge deal. I am sure I could fix it in due time. Maybe it's the sound effects that I sometimes use while I talk on the microphone. But yeah, I want to present pictures that Boomer sent me while I was DJing. We were going back and forth with 87.9 FM and AM 690 and I was wondering if many many more people were able to pick me up on AM 690 (I guess in a 500- to 1000-feet radius, I don't know). I just shouldn't rely on the listener count on the Icecast status page since people CAN and WILL use transmitters any way they can to get the best listening pleasure that they can, even throughout their out... and then some. So yeah, 87.9 - about 87.9, though, is the fact that Boomer showed me his transmitter showing 87.90, but I am sure there would be a digital readout walkman that Boomer has that wouldn't show 87.90, but my Grundig walkman does display 87.90 while if my FM transmitter went that low, it would only display 87.9 without the 0. This transmitter was a gift from my dad and it came from China. It does the trick, yet, but if you have silence on the transmitter while it's on, you can hear a little pulsating noise.

Anyway 8 hours for 2 consecutive shows... not bad, hedgehog... not bad at all if I do say myself!

I think I will just leave it at that since I might just wanna have fun on the weekend coming up and gonna get myself some nice treats this coming Sunday for The Rabbit Hole, Radiolawn, and Doggy Radio.

This hedgehog loves each and every one of you out there! This is DJ Sonic WITH The Positive Hedgehog (Blog and Radio mixed into one) signing off for this week.



The Positive Hedgehog for October 8, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Oct 08 2018

'Rather full for this entry that I will do right now' on The Positive Hedgehog

This entry will be entailed with going to McDonald's for breakfast and making all your mouths watering WITH a Mixxx paragraph. When at McDonald's, I ordered too much, but I am kind of glad I did because I will be saving 3 Sausage McWraps, but now JaSonic will present McDonald's details about these Sausage McWraps and it goes something like this... "Take on the morning with scrambled eggs made fresh in our kitchens, our savoury breakfast sausage, a crispy golden hash brown, topped with a slice of tasty processed cheddar cheese, all wrapped up in a soft tortilla."

I came back, will be going to bed and falling asleep at 11 or noon, only to get up at 5 to have some supper and to watch the Funday Pawpet Show starting at 6pm. You see, I was debating on whether or not to end this week's blog later on in the afternoon or this evening while The Rabbit's Hole's on, but nope I planned everything accordingly and this is the right time to do it... after having breakfast at McDonald's, and as I would call it, "Breakfast Of Champions!"



Now, I don't think I have anything more to say except maybe this past Friday... I can't believe that I did a 'burn out' show yet again. The reason I call it a 'burn out' show because this was when I was doing an 8-hour show while I was exhausted, and I guess that 'burn out' (has to at least be 8 hours for it to be called that) title for the show kind of stuck with me and carried on to the show that passed, and it be carried onto future shows that lasts 8 hours. This past Friday was a 'burn out' show although I was not even tired.



Thank you for tuning in to Doggy Radio each week and ever week. Thanks to the bunbun, Romeo Rabbit, for providing us with lots of great music before Doggy Radio, and this week I want to say a special thank you to the Funday Pawpet Show! The next show after the October 7th one will be announced on Twitter, and you have to be following @FundayPawpet to get that info.

Bye guys! The Positive Hedgehog / DJ Sonic on MIXXX signing off for this week.



'A very weird week' on The Positive Hedgehog

Posted by JaSonic
Oct 01 2018

And let me tell you why it's been a weird week. I have quarantined myself at my home due to a personal problem that I have been having, only to go out for groceries. Maybe I am just taking this much too high. I am paranoid. Anyway, another short blog this week. I haven't felt up to DJing online this week, and well I will sign this week's blog off. A bit of good news... watch out for the Funday Pawpet Show returning on October 7th at 6pm ET!

This has been The Positive Hedgehog with your host, JaSonic, and I am signing off for this week.

