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The Positive Hedgehog for September 24, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Sep 23 2018

The Positive Hedgehog - ACTIVE WEATHER!

I will do a very short entry for now because it's super late and I still need to go to bed. Anyway, Friday there were two tornadoes that touched down in the Ottawa area, which is very odd. Climate change is a real issue, man. Yes, I am getting concerned because of it, but life still goes on.

I think I will leave it here for this week. Thank you all for supporting The Rabbit Hole and listening to Doggy Radio.

The Positive Hedgehog / Sonic out.

Ricochet? How about those darn updates of yours?


The Positive Hedgehog - A little addendum

But before I let Ricochet read his Ricochet Updates, I will make my blog for this week just a tad bit longer for you all. Sunday night I went to the pharmacy and they didn't have anymore Diet Pepsi, so I had no choice but to get regular Pepsi. 2 6-packs, and I will make sure that I will make these last until the very end of the month since I don't have all that much money with me anymore. It's fine...

And NOW it's time for the Ricochet Updates. Take it away, Ric!

