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The Positive Hedgehog for October 8, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Oct 08 2018

'Rather full for this entry that I will do right now' on The Positive Hedgehog

This entry will be entailed with going to McDonald's for breakfast and making all your mouths watering WITH a Mixxx paragraph. When at McDonald's, I ordered too much, but I am kind of glad I did because I will be saving 3 Sausage McWraps, but now JaSonic will present McDonald's details about these Sausage McWraps and it goes something like this... "Take on the morning with scrambled eggs made fresh in our kitchens, our savoury breakfast sausage, a crispy golden hash brown, topped with a slice of tasty processed cheddar cheese, all wrapped up in a soft tortilla."

I came back, will be going to bed and falling asleep at 11 or noon, only to get up at 5 to have some supper and to watch the Funday Pawpet Show starting at 6pm. You see, I was debating on whether or not to end this week's blog later on in the afternoon or this evening while The Rabbit's Hole's on, but nope I planned everything accordingly and this is the right time to do it... after having breakfast at McDonald's, and as I would call it, "Breakfast Of Champions!"



Now, I don't think I have anything more to say except maybe this past Friday... I can't believe that I did a 'burn out' show yet again. The reason I call it a 'burn out' show because this was when I was doing an 8-hour show while I was exhausted, and I guess that 'burn out' (has to at least be 8 hours for it to be called that) title for the show kind of stuck with me and carried on to the show that passed, and it be carried onto future shows that lasts 8 hours. This past Friday was a 'burn out' show although I was not even tired.



Thank you for tuning in to Doggy Radio each week and ever week. Thanks to the bunbun, Romeo Rabbit, for providing us with lots of great music before Doggy Radio, and this week I want to say a special thank you to the Funday Pawpet Show! The next show after the October 7th one will be announced on Twitter, and you have to be following @FundayPawpet to get that info.

Bye guys! The Positive Hedgehog / DJ Sonic on MIXXX signing off for this week.

