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Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ for April 18th, 2016

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Apr 17 2016
This is being done in the morning of Thursday, April 14th. JaSonic
This is Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ for April 18th, 2016.
Starting on Tuesday, Monday's though of implementing the 'The DJ Sonic show' slogan from my iVlog shows to the new and improved 'The DJ Sonic show' at the Action Center really was a great idea on my part. I have now upgraded to that Sonic silhouette in all of my wallpapers, even my wallpaper that I use at home on my laptop, called my Sonic Scratchpad. So once again, my laptop has been Sonictized greatly!
Wednesday, went to CKUT as usual, and then we all went to a fundraising screening of a play with people that I know in the play. We all shared some pizza, just The Avalanche crew, and I came in with my Logitech speakers and set up to play some great beats for the people who did show up. I think half cheered for the screening and half was for me since I have great music to offer! I even played in my Sonic fursuit before the screening even started and then I played in my human form to let the audience disperse. Some people were saying "Thank you, DJ Sonic." while they were heading out the door, and that really warms my heart when I hear comments like that.
Thursday, just gonna go to the grocery store to buy some stuff. I don't have much money, so I need to watch out if I wanna pay for Saturday's ticket for Charlie and I to watch Monster Spectacular. That and the freakin' $82 for next month's bus pass.
Friday, I went to bed at 2:30 in the morning and just couldn't get to sleep. My mind was stuck in the 'on' position while I was trying to go to sleep. Anyway, this is the 3rd Friday in a row that I didn't go to the Action Center.
Saturday morning I woke up at 10am and took the 10:28 bus to go to to my friend's place for Monster Spectacular. It was fun, yes, but with only 4 hours and a half sleep in the morning, I was feeling tired during the event, but not the whole event because I bought some pizza for me and my friend. He was getting a bit hungry himself. After the pizza, I felt more energized for the 2nd part of Monster Spectacular, and that's good that I was starting to feel energized.
On Sunday, I woke up and started the day feeling a bit off... I won't tell you the reason why I felt a bit off, but I will tell you that while I did my show on iVlog, I was feeling quite a bit better. Had to hurry up also because I did the Saturday and Sunday entries while my show was on.
This has been Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ by JaSonic Hedgehog, courtesy of Doggy Radio.
