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Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ June 20th, 2016

Posted by JaSonic
Jun 20 2016

This is being done in the afternoon on Tuesday when I am supposed to be at the Action Center, but not really necessary.


This is Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ for June 20th, 2016 - SONIC THE HEDGEHOG STYLE !!!

Now, before I start, I want to tell all of you that we, Nick and I, changed our plans to go swimming, the Sonic fan and I, from June 25th to July 3rd. On to my blog...


I am starting on Monday this time. I don't know why, but I just am.

Monday, I didn't do anything much except waking up at 12:45am after I had a nap at 8:30pm on Sunday night. The weather was so-so and it made me extremely tired. I flipped on The Rabbit Hole, Doggy Radio, and hopped on Pawpet IRC. I went to bed, but I relaxed for the rest of the day when I got up again.


Didn't go to the Action Center on Tuesday like I said on the very top of my blog since I was DJing for a whopping 8 hours straight last Friday, and like I said the time flew by so fast! Anyway, I am here at home and wanted to stay with Sonic today.


This Wednesday, I typed the blog at CKUT. I picked up not 1, not 2, but 3 smoked salmon sandwiches. $5.29 each, but they are too yummy to resist. I am so happy that there were at least some smoked salmon sandwiches over there today.


Thursday, I didn't do anything much. Stayed home with my many Sonic plush toys that I can snuggle tightly with.


Friday, it was a BBQ day at the Action Center, but I didn't pay, so I didn't go. Today's the day when I finally gave my 20-inch Sonic plush toy a shower to get ready for this upcoming Thursday - Sonic's 25th anniversary! Wow, what a milestone he made it to. I'm really proud that he made it this far. I hope he can make it for another 25 years! Anyway, enough about Sonic for now, but please stay tuned for next week as I will be celebrating Sonic's birthday week, and it will start as soon as this Sunday, so on Monday, the 20th, I will be in the midst of Sonic's birthday week! I'm excited to get it started. But yeah, more of that next week. He did need a real good shower because with all the snuggling I did while I was sleeping with him, he really got majorly dirty, and I don't want to bring him to celebrate HIS birthday with Nick, while he's all dirty, so of course I really needed to clean him up really nice.


Saturday, I went to a friend's place to have some drinks with them before heading out to a really good Greek restaurant in Ontario named Dimitri's. I had some lamb chops, and they were as delicious as the other times that I had lamb souvlakis when I was there.



Sunday, I was debating whether or not to go have a nice drive with my dad, and at the end I went with my dad. I bought 2 7Up drinks for the trip, but my 2nd bottle got incredibly warm in the car, so I put it in the fridge when we both came back home. Now, back home I bought some Brisk and I will try my very best to stay awake during The Rabbit Hole and Doggy Radio.


JaSonic's blogs will be stopping on July 11th for summer vacation time, and will be back sometime at the end of August or in September.



