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My blog for the week of September 28th to to October 2nd

Posted by JaSonic
Oct 02 2016

This week, I am starting out at the radio station, CKUT 90.3 here in Montreal, just because I can, lol, and it's my own blog. Right now I am just getting ready to get the show on the road, and someone just might have a gig for me over here for the station's funding drive in 21 days from now. It's September 28th right now, so think 3 weeks down the line from now. Anyway, let's get my blog started, shall we?

Welcome, everyone, to my blog for the week of September 28th to October 2nd, and just a reminder to all of you... I may or may not blog throughout the weekend depending if I do anything exciting.


Monday - I didn't listen to my furry programming because I was sort of tired from being up north and also I wanted to extend the life of my week's groceries, but a lot of good that did me, lol, because I finished it all on Tuesday evening after I did my iVlog show. I had a very restful sleep on Sunday night to Monday morning at about 11am or so.


Tuesday - DJ Sonic's day at the Action Center, and you know when I wrote that he went above and beyond last week? Well, try for even FURTHER than above and beyond this week! So much further that the DJ's heart was beating furiously in his chest. Don't worry, though, because he got some water for himself. Went home very happy with himself. I am really happy for him since he had a real good day today. I am speaking in the 3rd person here since you all know DJ Sonic is me. On to Wednesday - CKUT day!


Wednesday - My fun day! I am glad that I take some days off from the Action Center. I needed some days for myself, so Tuesdays and Fridays are the perfect days for DJ Sonic to be going to the Action Center, don't you all think so? I mean too much of something is never a good thing and I like to balance my weeks out. So yeah, I am at CKUT right now writing this blog. We have a new news coordinator. She seems very fun and I just met her! She was looking for someone to DJ at the funding event, and I said that I might be available. I told her my E-Mail address so she could get in touch with me.


Thursday - While I was on Facebook, another Sonic fan added me, so now I don't just have 1 Sonic fan in the same province as me on my Facebook, I have 2! Anyway, she drew a great picture of Sonic as a dog and I asked her permission if I could send it in for my blog, and she said yes, granted that I give her the credit... and this is what I did.

Friday - Today, I went to an Asian fusion buffet with my dad, which was very yummy. Afterwards I came back and in the evening, I only did an anour and fourty-five minutes on for The DJ Sonic Show on iVlog. Watched some vlogs after my show and then the news and then fell asleep with my many Sonic plush toys on my bed.


Saturday - The first day of October, getting closer to the USA national election date, which is November 8th. I don't want to talk about it because the 2 candidates are ... I don't know how to say it, I wouldn't vote for either one of them, but that isn't my call because I'm in Canada.

Anyway, I don't have anything planned for today, although tonight starting at 8pm I have the Saturday Night Safety Dance on SiriusXM's 1st Wave, and I get to listen to it on my 'always-on-now' FM transmitter, Sonic 95.5 FM. I have a problem with the show now in its audio quality nowadays, and I don't know if they recently fixed it, but they changed the title from 'Saturday Night Safety Dance' to 'Dance Party New Wave' and they got rid of the announcer every couple of songs and now it's just non-stop music. But now for the audio quality... the show went from Stereo to mono, and it's not even good mono... it's like that now the entire 8-hour show has a channel problem. I noticed that some songs don't sound the same anymore. You see, this hedgehog is a Stereo hedgehog, but I will listen to mono audio as long as it's good mono without a problem with a channel... I simply hate that! In the evening, I noticed something different on the show. Did they revert back? YES THEY DID! I'm happy! It looks like they have it back in full Stereo again, and it also looks like they are bringing back the 'Saturday Night Safety Dance' title also. I am so glad that it wasn't only me that complained, since I did E-Mail them, about that shitty audio quality.


Sunday - Started my day by waking up at 12:45pm and then hopped on the Internet to look for porn, lol, but no seriously, I was talking to some people on Telegram. I recently joined a group which I am very glad I'm in. I feel that I can say anything on the group. Afterwards, I got some groceries fot the furry programming that I am about to listen to - The Rabbit Hole, Radiolawn, and Doggy Radio. There wasn't any Diet Pepsi at the drugstore that I was at - Pharmaprix, the equivalent to the American 'Shopper's Drug Mart', so I was debating to go to the dollar store or back to Pharmaprix because if I wanted a 6-pack of Diet Pepsi at the grocery store, it's 2 times the price of what I would pay at Pharmaprix, so since there wasn't any Diet Pepsi there, I got a 6-pack of Brisk.

That's it for this week's Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ with me, JaSonic. Thanks to Boomer & Ricochet for hosting my blogs every week. IT'S OCTOBER, FOLKS! Be glad that Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are all coming up soon. Before you all know it, it will be 2017!

