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My blog for the week of November 14th to November 20th

Posted by JaSonic
Nov 21 2016

Welcome, everyone, to my blog for the week of November 14th to November 20th.


What to look out for this week: Monday's early blogging on last week's Doggy Radio, Tuesday until Sunday was a pretty dull number of days, I didn't do much. Pretty boring blog this week for all of you, except on Wednesday, but I'll do what I can to not make it too boring.


Monday - Talking about Cher at 3:39 in the morning on Doggy Radio, I want to tell you guys that I have watched an epide of Gordon Ramsey's Hotel Hell where the owner of a hotel was singing "Believe", every single night. The guests just hated it! The owner sang off-key and stuff. At 5:40am, I was amused at Ricochet's rant on inflation saying that a drink was $10. Later on during the night, I ate 3 of my apples. Boy, were they yummy apples!


Tuesday - Today, I didn't go to the Action Center because I wanted a week off from DJing, not that DJing is a very hectic job, but still I need some days for myself.


Wednesday - At CKUT, we were still reflecting on Donald Trump's victory, we had a 12-minute open mic discussion on the air and I like the fact that we do this nowadays since we all need to reflect on things like that. I'm also happy that I brought that suggestion up with the news coordinator that we all have time on the microphone to reflect what's happening in the news.


Thursday - Stayed home and did nothing today. Had to get my vaccination done today to avoid getting Hepatitus B, and also had to get the flu shot also. With my dad, though, he wanted to get the shingles vaccine along with everything else. The shingles vaccine costed him $195, but it was well worth the price. The vaccination did not hurt, like all the other times that I had to get the needle.


Friday - The Action Center had an event going during the day, but there were no classes, so DJ Sonic wasn't needed. Since I was home all day, I decided to throw on an iVlog show in the evening. I was very happy when I noticed that there were lots of people that showed up to my show.


Saturday - I went to the local mall with a few friends of mine and we had lots of fun.


Sunday - I went grocery shopping for a few items, and the forecast called for rain all day today and snow during the overnight hours, but no the snow came while I was in the store! Strange weather! But you know, we all have to live with it and brace whatever comes our way. I was given something to me from a close friend through Facebook stating that there is flooding happening in the Dominican Republic right now, but this hedgehog is only departuring from Montreal on December 11th, so I don't think that there's any cause for alarm right now. If it still is happening closer to the departure date, then there is a cause for alarm. Anywho, time to go on to my grocery list...

Groceries bought for Sunday's The Rabbit Hole and Monday's Radiolawn, The Rabbit Hole, and Doggy Radio: 2 kinds of granola bars - cashew and chocolate & peanut butter, 3 big bottles of soda - 2 Diet Pepsi, 1 sparkling lemon-lime drink WITH a hint of mint, a box of chocolate marshmallow covered cookies, and a box of soft oatmeal date cookies.

That's it for this week's Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ with me, JaSonic. Thanks to Boomer & Ricochet for hosting my blogs every week. Since the trip that I was going on was announced last week on here and is on last week's blog, I won't leave the information in this week's blog, but something else that I will do, though, is to blog about it while I am down there and for the few Doggy Radio shows that I will miss while being down there. Anyway, without further ado, let's get back with the show.

From this hedgehog to all of you, I hope you guys have a great Thanksgiving! This coming Thursday I will stay glued for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and then Pedigree's National Dog Show, so that will be a long day for TV watching, but that is fine.

Take it away, Ricochet, with your viewer updates.

