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Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ February 13, 2017

Posted by JaSonic
Feb 13 2017

And we start with the Action Center, which is always fun! Everyone missed me over there since I was out of commission. Didn't go to CKUT due to a possible slippery hill to climb, and threatening my laptop if I ever fell. I wouldn't have a laptop anymore to even do my weekly blogs, but even more worse, I would be without my furry programming for I don't know how long. OMG! I don't want to think about that

Now, for the girl that I was just with that had a rocky relationship with me... I will give this to you in a nutshell - We became a pair on January 20th while I was sick, and she really wanted me over on the 27th. I really wanted to go over there and be with her, but nah I really was feeling totally ill. But after that, she didn't give me a proper date, like she was giving me dates for February 10th, 17th, 24th, and then in March. I wanted her to stick with a solid date. Then her mom didn't want me to come over and couldn't come over here to my place. She's 41 - she HAS to grow up!!! And then this past week...

Thursday came and I was trying to reason with Jennifer since someone told me to unblock her. ...No names will be mentioned here... She was still saying the same things over and over again at me. Friday was sort of okay, Saturday Jen and I were talking as normal as we could, but Sunday came along and all hell broke lose. She was changing feelings on me, personal feelings, and I said that was IT!!! I blocked her for the 3rd and final time! I told the person that said to me unblock her to not tell me to unblock her if I he didn't want to be unfriended. He told me to unblock her during the day on Monday and guess what... he suffers the consequences - I unfriended him.

Boy, what I experienced was such a confused girl that kept going on and on about nothing. I don't need those shenanigans in my life! I get mixed up in weird relationships often. Anyway, I am happy with Sonic right now.

Love you, Doggy Radio! <3

Since you guys rock in having my blogs on every single week, I want to really thank you guys very much. You two are good doggies! And also, I want to give a special shout-out to Ricochet and say thank you very VERY much for checking up on me while I was out of commission.

