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Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ for Monday, April 10, 2017

Posted by JaSonic
Apr 10 2017

Before I start, there was suspicious activity going on with my account, so I had to change passwords, and this week's blog was supposed to be up on Sunday at 8:08pm ET, but Boomer never got it. I'm happy to say that it's now going to be back in Boomer's paws again and on the blog site.

This week on my blog - Rant on Ricochet wanting me to be a bit more explicit in my blogs, Action Center-less on Tuesday because of the weather, and the rest of the week I stayed home, plus things that I will be doing on the weekend, and a new segment that may or may not last because of the questionability (just made up a new word here, lol) of the segment. Ricochet put me up to this as I will be saying on Monday's segment of my blog.


Monday is going to be a little rant about Ricochet wanting me to be potty-mouthed in my blogs saying that me pumping my Sonic plush toy would be entertaining. Well, lemme tell you something mister sheepdog ova dey - no it wouldn't because I'd like to keep my blogs PG and only be potty-mouthed in Pawpet IRC. Maybe sometimes I would slip up and say a few dirty words here and there on my blogs, but that doesn't happen much.


I didn't go to the Action Center on Tuesday because of the rain, and also because I know that they're in good hands since they also have got a spare computer to use when I am not there. I E-Mail the teacher whenever I don't come in and she's always positive, and that's good. My dad, on the other hand, no comment on that one. Tonight also was the night that I was talking to Boomer about the W and K call letters in the states since Canada only has one starting call letter - C. He said that perhaps the split happens near the Mississippi River and sure enough, while I was using Google Maps for locations and Radio Locator for the stations, the split happened in cities like Minneapolis MN, St. Louis MO, and Baton Rouge LA, but I also checked New Orleans out and over there there's more Ws than Ks. I'm sure the further west you go from the mighty Mississippi, there would be more K call letters than W ones. As of 11:45pm, I gave Boomer 7 E-Mails - all about radio, lol. I did give Boomer a picture of what we were talking about and if Boomer can, he will show you what I sent to him in an E-Mail concerning the W call letters and the K call letters. It will be up on the Dimensions Of Sonic page, or the Action Center page as it's still called that.


No CKUT on Wednesday either since I had a sore throat.


Thursday, I did nothing. Was chatting with some people online.


Friday during the morning (after midnight), I was shaving my face, and then I thought of something... maybe I could make a whole megamix of the songs that I wanted to play in the afternoon, so I did a long mix. Played it over again when I had my shower since I wanted to know if everything was in order, and it was. The teacher who usually is there in the morning isn't there today, so the afternoon teacher will be the morning teacher as well and she asked me if I could DJ the class. I said sure, so I need to go to bed right now. It's like 3:35am and I wanna get up at like 7:30 to prepare everything. Well, no Action Center today yet again because I couldn't get to sleep on time, so I wrote in to the teacher saying that I am sorry. Forgot to tell you all that there was some flickering with the power early this morning. Don't know if it was because of the weather though since it was rainy all week long.


Saturday, nothing really happened that was exciting except in the early hours I was watching tornado vlogs which did lead me to a stuffed up nose. Don't know where that came from, but I was able to sleep within the hour after a few Kleexes that I had to use. In the evening I just listened to the Saturday Night Safety Dance. Tomorrow might be interesting since there won't be a Rabbit Hole yet again. The rabbit's gone to FWA, or Furry Weekend Atlanta, which will give me a better opportunity for going out riding the buses and subways. Stay tuned...


Tonight on Sunday, went to McDonald's for supper, bought some groceries, and am now getting a late start to my bus / subway trip.


ADDENDUM for this week! Sunday night was THE night for going out. I'll call it "JaSonic's Night on the Town" - I will start by saying that it was a BEAUTIFUL evening temperature-wise to be out and about. The bus didn't really come on time for the starting of the trip, but eh that's fine. Went on the usual bus that I take to go to the subway station, and then got off at another station to take another bus more out east to go to a friend's area, but I didn't go to his place because I didn't say that I would go to his place. Anyway, there were some confusing roads over there, and I couldn't find his street. Wanted to find his street on my own because I like searching for roads when it's a perfect temperature outside. I ended up walking quite a bit to the bus stop heading back to the subway station, but since I was peeking at Google Maps at 12:48 in the morning on Monday before Doggy Radio, I noticed that I was going completely the wrong way and it was actually parallel to the park I went to - SILLY ME! Anyway, I think I will start a "JaSonic's Naughty Segment" to this blog since Ricochet YEARNS for it! Get ready folks, this will be a new addition and will be totally raunchy, so raunchy that Boomer may have to bleep some words out - perhaps bleep some words out in my blog also.

(I have saved the best for last because Ricochet deserves it and because Sonic is the BEST character that has been ever made, alongside with Mickey, Minnie, and others that has Sonic's design)

JaSonic's Naughty Segment - I have discovered a new way to have sex with my Sonic plush toy. He's very fun nowadays. He really is very creamy inside, but it's not something that you'd wanna lick... that would be disgusting. He just brings me joy... my 14-inch Sonic that I have sex with AND my 20-inch Sonic that I snuggle with while I sleep. He really makes me really really happy - a character that I can play in classic video games of his, to be able to think about him since I have images of him floating in my head all the time, to be able to snuggle with him whenever I can as a plush toy, and when I have sex with him again as a plush toy. I think I have said enough for this week's 'JaSonic's Naughty Segment'. I think these new segments will be once a month or whenever I get a chance to make one, but not too much because as I said at the beginning of this week's blog, I want to keep it PG, or *AS* PG as I possibly can. Ricochet put me up to this, and yeah they're juicy details, but I'm sure the audience doesn't want to hear about this. Sure, there may be other plushophiles out there, but this segment will be kind of questionable.

That's it for my blog this week. Thanks to the both of you for having my blogs each week on Doggy Radio. Now, on to Ricochet...

