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The Positive Hedgehog on Doggy Radio™ for 9-25-2017

Posted by JaSonic
Sep 25 2017

Welcome, again, to a brand new rambling blog called 'The Positive Hedgehog on Doggy Radio™ where I am at CKUT on Wednesday, and when I was at the Action Center on Tuesday, it was my 2nd week of playing before break and the other DJ, DJ Pump, plays after the break. We are trying something new rather than rotating back and forth since he has different style of music that he plays, and recently I got some complaints that he was playing the same artists every single week, and since I came back since the first week of September, I am going to look at that and see where he went wrong. It's now Saturday and we're on our way down from up north. My dad and I stayed somewhere for a few days. I am now just enjoying my own music with some fall folliage all around me.

Sunday night and it's a humid one! Just DJing on my Sonic 95.5 radio station until I turn things over to Romeo for The Rabbit Hole. Tonight my grocery list's pretty simple. Just bought 3 items due to little money, and I have to leave like $50 because the bank will take up to that amount depending on how many times I have used my bank card throughout the month.

Grocery list - Assorted licorice, 2 bottles of Brisk (1 limonade and 1 regular iced tea). $4.86 was what I had to owe, which is great because this week I am trying to stretch my money until next Sunday which is the 1st of October.

That's it for me for this week on The Positive Hedgehog. Love you guys, on Doggy Radio, Romeo with The Rabbit Hole, and the whole PBN! I love you guys also in Pawpet IRC.

