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The Positive Hedgehog for 11-27-17

Posted by JaSonic
Nov 27 2017

The Positive Hedgehog right after 11-20's Doggy Radio

Right after the show, I was still on Sonic 95, so I thought about doing something completely different - I crossfaded - I waited until Boomer put on the static right after "We've had a-had a-had a breakout, sir. All the dogs escaped from our truck." and just started "Illusions" by VNV Nation on the VLC player and turned down the Native Radio Player on Doggy Radio's site. I played until 7:01am with the last song being Neutron Dance by The Pointer Sisters. Had to fade it down because I wanted to stop right at 7 and I went over by a minute. I switched Sonic 95 over to SiriusXM right after I finished.


Monday evening ramblings

My heavens, do I ever have a treat for you guys and I am excited to write this down - I CAME IN FIRST PLACE IN A GAME OF QUIPLASH!!! Never in my life did I win a game like that. Yeah, my score was 5,050 while everyone else had a lower score than mine. Yeah, the answers that everyone gave was questionable, but it was me that came up with all the *SAFE for stream* answers. That was the last game also before the user who was streaming went offline. Wow, talk about saving the best for last! I thought I was only gonna be in first place 2 rounds, but nah I was 1st place even on the "Last Lash". I'm extremely happy right now! Some people were being really mean in the game and I gave all positive answers and I think that's why I won. LAST WORD OF THE DAY since I won: Being positive WINS!!!


Tuesday evening ramblings

The day today went awesome with me and Shawn as the 2 DJs. Had some McDonald's for lunch, and I will just tell all of you that I was not hungry for supper. Probably going to go to bed still very early since I am yawning right now, maybe either at 10 or 11. Nothing really interesting happened today after that Quiplash win where I still feel happy today. But yeah, on to tomorrow...


Wednesday morning ramblings

I need to do this entry before I lose it in my train of thought. I went to bed a bit after 8:30 last night (Tuesday) and woke up at 2 this morning. I don't know why I feel tired earlier than usual and wake up in the middle of the night and then I stay up. Going to CKUT today after maybe 3 weeks of not showing up. I might have some more later on.


Thanksgiving Day in the USA! Thursday morning ramblings

First of all, HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my friends south of Canada! I got up at 4:45 in the morning after coming in all tired after coming back from CKUT yesterday. Had some fun with Sonic and looked out for the time since I didn't want want to have fun with Sonic while the parade was on, lol, that would have been a really awkward feeling for me. Anyway, yeah that's besides the point. I feel that the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is getting a bit better each year with its musicals and marching bands. Sure, the Sonic balloon doesn't have to always fly to make me happy, just to be able to catch the 3-hour long parade on NBC just thrills me to heck.

Like last year, I will be watching The National Dog Show (sponsored by Purina) immediately after the parade at noon. The dog show will be on for 2 hours. I love all the breeds that do come out for Best in Show. Anyway, this afternoon I might go for an afternoon bus and subway ride. Might be a bit too cold for a stroll wherever I end up, but I will see.


Teenee Weenee entry to The Positive Hedgehog (written on 11-23)

As I see the Sesame Street float pass by on the parade, I think to myself, "Could it be possible that there's no Big Bird porn?! Wow, this show really is for children and bring very positive vibes for childrens' minds." Now that this is out in the open, and I let the cat out of the bag... please DO NOT ruin Big Bird for children. Keep him INNOCENT all the time!


1:45pm while watching the National Dog Show (The Positive Hedgehog)

Actually, I am changing this afternoon's planned outing as I planned to be on a Twitch stream very early on Friday. I will possibly go out and about during the day on Friday depending on the weather.


Friday morning ramblings

I will start by saying that I woke up at 4:40am since I went to bed very early yet again last night, but I think I am extending the hours that I sleep this week, but not like 12+ hours, that was ridiculous! No, the hours that I sleep and it seems to be extending by a bit every single night is very healthy. Anyway, the reason I am doing one now, an entry while I am on the toilet - first of all, it's my thinking spot, and second of all, I like using my computer while I am on the white porcelain can. So, at 5:50 this morning, there is a guy from Australia that will be signing into Twitch and he promised me a place on Twitch so I can play along with him and some others on Quiplash. I told all of you - I'm NUTS for Quiplash! I want to take him up on his promise. I will do some more ramblings later on during the day, and today might not really be a good day for me having a bus and subway ride since it's Black Friday. Might be very nutty people out there... but I'll see what I do.


Sunday evening ramblings for The Positive Hedgehog for 11-27-2017

I will get a start on this since I need to have supper in a bit. I just finished watching Jingle All The Way on my laptop since I noticed CBC broadcasting the movie back at 5pm, and I knew that I got the movie on my laptop, so I plugged in the HDMI and just watched it on my TV and that helped me skip all the commercials. CBC is still showing it as I write this entry since you need to sit through all the commercials. Now it's at the part where Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to become Turboman.

Anyway, before that happened, I wanted to play some Quiplash, but was having trouble... it's fine because I can play Quiplash any ol' time since I got a "Quiplash Twitch" bookmark on my Firefox web browser. Then, I had a nap to get my horniness levels down, and it did help quite a bit. Immediately afterwards when I woke up, I went to do some shopping for tonight's furry programming.

Oh, and to finish everything up, I like Jingle All The Way because of a person dressed up as Sonic in the Christmas parade. Supper's on the table right now, so I gotta run.

Thank you to the whole PBN crew - you know who you are. *wink*

Sonic out
