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The Positive Hedgehog for April 9th, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Apr 09 2018

The Positive Hedgehog for Friday morning

Nope, The Positive Hedgehog is not dead like I told Boomer. I tried to be a DJ on Second Life for a few days, and my laptop didn't like that at all. It would freeze during a set that I would be playing, so I stepped down Wednesday morning, and also my Nuit Blanches were at stake as well. I wanted to keep up with that routine. During the day, I might go do some grocery shopping, and then maybe in the evening, if the weather's okay outside, maybe a little Taco Bell and and then a Nuit Blanche. Hope you all stay safe.

I'll have more for you guys later on...


Sunday afternoon ramblings

Well, I don't really have anything to say except I did go to Taco Bell on Saturday night and ate 5 cheese quesadillas. Yeah, I might be constipated, but man are they ever so good!!!

The Positive Hedgehog / Sonic out

