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The Positive Hedgehog for May 7, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
May 09 2018

The Positive Hedgehog for early Wednesday morning

I had some audio problems on Tuesday, so I managed to diagnose the problem and fix it. I don't know what was up with it, but I'm happy that I did fix it because I am planning to go to CKUT during the day since I checked the forecast and there doesn't seem to be anymore thunderstorm risk. Safety first is what I always say. Anyway, I haven't gone to bed yet and I really need to, so I will do some more rambling later on...


Early Thursday morning entry to The Positive Hedgehog

I have to say that I never went to CKUT since I did sleep in a bit too late, but it's fine because I love snuggling my Sonic plush toy to death <3

Anyway, I had my supper (yes, my 'supper schedule' as Ric says all the time) and then right after my supper, I went for yet another Nuit Blanche since Thursday's weather is supposed to be very iffy... not yiffy, but iffy. How can we be yiffy about weather? lol

So yeah, that was 2 consecutive days with having cheese quesadillas inside my stomach, and we're talking about a bit less than a 30-hour time span here with a total of 10 cheese quesadillas. How do I do it? Well, I have a cheese fetish I think, lol, but I don't have sex with cheese... that would be totally disgusting... I eat it. Hmm, now that I think of it, I may have a cheese-eating fetish, but I dunno if that exists. I will add more later on today and see if there is any action in the sky. Friday looks like the day it will actually happen. I will still go in to the Action Center since the Action Center will be closed on May 11th and 18th due to events / outings, so I will only be there on May 4th and May 25th.

Anyway, more to come...


The Positive Hedgehog for Saturday night

Well, no Action Center on Friday because I couldn't sleep, but that's okay. It's not necessary to go in nowadays since I taught the other DJ, Shawn, well... but he's not there for ZUMBA class. He is needed in Geography class. It doesn't matter anyway since the teacher, Andrea, comes prepared with her music as well. Right now, it's not the Saturday Night Safety Dance... right after supper I went right to DJing on my radio station, Sonic 95. I didn't DJ on Friday, so I am making up for it by DJing on my station. I will probably go for my cheese quesadillas Sunday afternoon. I need to come back by 8pm because I want to DJ on my station right before Romeo takes over Sonic's airwaves.

I am sure he knows that I broadcast his show on Sonic 95 as well although he doesn't acknowledge it on the air. It doesn't really matter anyway. I might write more on Sunday.


Sunday morning entry

I'm on Sonic Boom fever mode right now, 13 episodes right after I was DJing on Sonic 95. Since it will be a nice day today, I think I will nix the furry programming until 1 in the morning since I want to really enjoy myself on my outing. I will still be connecting Sonic 95 to my laptop when I come back for the 2nd half of The Rabbit Hole and then Doggy Radio.


Monday morning before Doggy Radio

I never went this late to try to get to Taco Bell, but it was closed. It said 11pm on the website, but on the door when I got there it said 10pm, and I got there like 10 minutes past 10 o'clock, shee wiz. I figured out where I could go. McDonald's was right there, but nah that wasn't a healthy alternative. The best alternative was Subway and I saw across the intersection from the subway, so yes there was a Subway just steps from the subway... what a way to really screw you up, huh? lol

After Subway, I picked up 3 bottles of Diet Pepsi, and I had a bag of gummies on the bus back to the subway in my area. Took another bus back to my house. Came back at 12:15am.

Anyway, broadcasting on Sonic 95 a bit after 12:30am. This is JaSonic, and I am signing The Positive Hedgehog out for another week.

