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The Positive Hedgehog for August 13, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Aug 13 2018

'Lake George' on The Positive Hedgehog

Hi everyone! I am beginning this on the last day in Lake George. I actually don't know what to say right now, my mind is drawing a blank, although I will say this... depending on the weather to drive back to Canada during the day on Tuesday, my dad and I have a choice... either we can come on up again on Interstate 87 or take the scenic route (Route 9N). Seems likely that we may have to take the 87 because with a high possibility of a normal-to-strong thunderstorm, and my dad hates driving in the rain, we don't want to be driving on one-lane streets (that is one lane up and one lane down). I have been checking the weather for a good 15 minutes now, lol.

There will be more later on...


'Sleepless In Montreal opposed to Sleepless In Seattle' on The Positive Hedgehog

The reason I make that joke is because I stayed up overnight. I don't have to go to bed if I don't want to, right? Anyway, just to tell you all that last night, Wednesday night, I didn't go to the fireworks since it was 007 of James Bond that was the closing ceremonies of the fireworks competition. USA really did amaze me with 112% though. Philippines weren't that far behind with 110%. I guess Trump really wanted to blow the Philippines right out of the water, lol.

Anyway, I am going to bed right now. Can't wait until I do my show on The DJ Sonic Show this coming Friday night!


The Positive Hedgehog with a very tired DJ Sonic!

I just had 1 hour of sleep Thursday night into Friday and I still put on The DJ Sonic Show? How the frig am I able to do this, and it's past 7 hours and a half that I have been DJing for. SHEESH!!! I am really burning myself out here. It's to make my audience happy that I do this for. I really should have more good sleep though.

I will have more during the day maybe.


Very short entry on The Positive Hedgehog for Saturday evening

Yup, I got the rest that I really needed, almost 12 hours. I looked at the time though, and wanted to do another set to fill in for Whitefire and The Evilest Art Show, but nah... since I had a burn out, I want to relax until tomorrow when I do it all again... LIVE! But this time it won't be as long, and I am happy for that.

I guess I will sign off for now, but just to know that Sunday will be a fun day for me. Bye all.

The Positive Hedgehog / DJ Sonic signing off.
