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The Positive Hedgehog for April 15, 2019

Posted by JaSonic
Apr 14 2019

The Positive Hedgehog for April 15, 2019

'Just a little something at the ending of April 8th's Doggy Radio' on The Positive Hedgehog

Nah, I didn't have any fun with Sonic since I am really tired right now, but I do sleep with my big Sonic, so I guess you can say that's my fun with Sonic, but just not in a sexual way, lol.


'The kind of day that makes you want to say OOF!!!' on The Positive Hedgehog

This is Tuesday and I can safely say that I put an X on the Action Center since we got ice pellets, freezing rain, and snow today. Doesn't the calendar say April 9th and we're getting the exact opposite of what we're supposed to be getting? Now, what I ABSOLUTELY don't get is that about 5 hours south of here, maybe starting around Albany NY, the temperature was warming up where I saw Washington D.C. in the 90s a few days ago. Canada must not stay in the cold like this, I WANT MY SPRING AND SUMMER!!!

I don't want to move from my location because anywhere else, you either got extreme violence or extreme weather, and that can count for extreme flooding too. Also, you also got laws that you got to follow, so if I ever wanted to move to Pittsburgh one of these days, I would have to do everything legally - fill out the necessary paperwork, get medicare, and all that stuff. No one is forcing me to stay here, although I do have my DJ job and my friends over here. Anyway, I am gonna wait for this wild weather to pass to do some more grocery shopping.


'Fun-filled Friday' on The Positive Hedgehog

I am writing this on Thursday night while watching PIX11 (New York City) News. I was at the store getting stuff for me to keep myself fed for tomorrow, and I have have Brisk, so that is awesome. This was done while the KTLA News was on, so you see Ric, I'm not just all about Los Angeles... I am about NYC as well, and maybe Boston, but I will have to see what time the my38 (Channel 38, WSBK in Boston) News is on. A few hours before I did this entry, I packed up the FM transmitter to get ready for tomorrow.

I also have an invitation to go to tomorrow afternoon after a full day of DJing. I just hope that I won't be too tired. If I am not that tired, I will set up my FM transmitter over there and DJ for a few hours while my cousin does a BBQ for everyone.

I love being a DJ! It might be hard work to think of the next song to play, but it's something that does make me very happy.


'DJ Sonic on Friday ALL DAY, and yes it was all day' on The Positive Hedgehog

So let me start by saying that I had to do DOUBLE the work on Friday... bringing an extra radio, hooking it up to my Logitech sound system and then putting the radio on 95.5 FM so it would receive my signal when I turn the transmitter on. I told Shawn to play first, and I needed both of our laptops to be turned on and plugged in because of the splitter. I was on 100% already and I didn't want my side to come out all distorted and such on the air. Anyway, after the day was done, I packed it all up.

When I played my last song at around 3:25pm, waited for my dad to come and pick me up, played in some traffic somewhat, and then off to my cousin's place since it was an invitation. I then hooked up my transmitter and turned my laptop on. 95.5 FM still was an open frequency over there, but the more further east I would have gone, there is a 95.5 CFLX that I would have heard and that would've made me change my frequency. I would have brought my walkman, of course, to see what FM frequency I would have been able to use. Anyway, getting off the subject here, I didn't use my Logitech speakers since it wasn't really needed at that point. The weather really looked like it was going to storm during the evening, but only heavy rain came down for maybe 2 hours and then it stopped.

Oh, and I need to tell you that I didn't make any announcements while playing at my cousin's place, only at the Action Center would I do that, with DJ Shawn making announcements over the air as well.

Now, for Saturday, this hedgehog is getting ready to go somewhere to see a show. I will be back home later to listen to my SNSD (Saturday Night Safety Dance) and maybe have some fun with Sonic.

Sunday, I might go for a Nuit Blanche, but now since I have checked the weather, a Special Weather Statement has been issued for my area, lots of rain coming and they say 'major spring storm' in the statement.

I think I will leave it for this week's Hoggy Bloggy, The Sonic Blog (Coming in July), The Positive Hedgehog. Hoggy Bloggy would have been a good one to use, lol, but right now it's like I am jumping over a cliff. Have a good upcoming week, all of you fuzzies!

Sonic out.

And now, Ricochet's Updates for all of 'Hughes'!

