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Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy™ for December 26, 2016

Posted by JaSonic
Dec 26 2016

I'm going to start on December 8th instead of the 10th because I changed my mind about Kanda. I just stayed home and relax with Sonic before the loooong day on Friday where I will engineer the geography class, then DJ the afternoon dance class, and then have to pack up and scoot over to another place where I will be DJing a Christmas party.

Want to read along? Audio Blog read by Boomer Blog 12-26-16 audio 


December 10th - Nothing much happened today, although was counting down the hours until I have to get to bed in order to wake up in a good mood at 2am tomorrow morning. Pushing my wake-up time back a little to be able to still listen in to a bit of my Saturday Night Safety Dance, but on Auxiliary now since my dad wants me to pack my FM transmitter up for some nice music of his choice. I'm not going to be broadcasting my music while down there. He has his own device that the transmitter will be plugged in to anyway. I will blog more tomorrow morning before we get at the airport, and maybe some blogging while we're at the airport.


December 11th - Woke up at 12:30 because I was too excited and couldn't stay asleep until my 2am alarm, and also that gave me more time to enjoy the Saturday Night Safety Dance. Hopped in the taxi a bit after 5am and got to the airport at 5:45. Took off via Air Transat at 7:50, which was perfect. Watched a comedy onboard using the entertainment system, but I found the flight went too fast.


December 12th - Woke up sort of late today. There was some on and off rain. I had a buffet for lunch AND supper. My dad wanted to go elsewhere for supper, but the restaurants that he wanted to go was either closed or filled up to capacity. We came back in the rain, which was fun. Rain never hurts anyone, unless you are made out of chocolate. I watched some episodes of Border Security: Canada's Front Line on YouTube during the night since there's not a lot of interesting stuff on TV down here, and plus the TV Listing guide in the Guest Services book provided in the room doesn't match the channels on the TV at all.


December 13th - It's now around 4:15 in the morning. Time for this hedgehog to get some much-needed sleep. During the day I didn't do too much.


December 14th - Went to a buffet breakfast where I had cornmeal, eggs, fried salami, a Mexican dish, and 2 donuts. That was enough for me in the morning. During the day I promised myself that I would go swimming every second day, so after the 12th comes the 14th, but I'm going to wait until later on this afternoon.


December 15th - After when I woke up at 1pm, I went straight to the pool for like 20 to 30 minutes. I didn't feel like going in the pool on the 14th. Rather, I had that buffet breakfast, and I also went to the buffet for supper. The theme was Mexican, so it was awesome!


December 16th - Went to bed at 4:45am after I was watching Fargo, a series that my dad sucked me in to. I am slowly starting to count the days down to when we go back to Montreal since I am missing doing something, and that something will not be shared with you guys. I went to the pool at 4pm and let's just say that I had one too many at the swim-up bar which means I was feeling a bit too 'happy'. I tried to relax in the pool which helped a bit, and there was an area where I was able to sit down in the water, lay my head on the cement on the edge of the pool, and just gaze up to the blue sky. There were some clouds, but the good stuff will happen tomorrow hopefully. By 'good stuff', I mean thunderstorms. The theme of the buffet tonight is 'Spices of the World' which means... well I don't know because the buffet is not even open right now, typing at 6pm right now, which is 5pm Pittsburgh time since there's a 1-hour difference between Doggy Radio and me right now. There will be more on the buffet later on, but right now I need to relax and get sober, lol. I just had 3 to 4 alcoholic drinks right now, so yeah I need to relax. The way I was working the night tonight was I would watch a good lengthy time period for Border Security and then go out on the 2nd floor balcony with a soda pop and just enjoy the nice warm weather. Sorta humid tonight as well. I had lots of different things at the buffet.


December 17th - Tonight at the buffet is Dominican Cuisine night, so I'll be so ready for that. The Dominican people specializes in rice, fish, and beans. Tonight, the highlight of the night, and not a very good highlight... there was an emergency to be dealt with - there was water just dripping down from the ceiling of our bathroom in our hotel room. After a good half-an-hour, we got someone to fix the situation. While the ceiling was being dealt with, my dad told me to go enjoy the buffet since I really wanted to enjoy the local food over here since the theme tonight was "Dominican Cuisine". I had like 3 plates of fish, which is good for me, and the fish over here is so tender the way they fix it, yummy! Plantain was enjoyed also, and when it came to dessert, I had some coconut pudding, and I thought it was another type of pudding when I was at the dessert table.


December 18th - I found a radio station with hardcore dance music, 99.1 FM, just for the weekend I think, and I was outside until 2:40am. Gonna go to the buffet again tonight because it's going to be a "Rodeo Style" theme.


December 19th - 4 more days until I come back to Montreal. I will see what I do today. Well today was not a good day for me at all since I woke up early in the morning. My stomach was bugging me, and I am going to leave it at that. My dad gave me that capsules and I was better throughout the day. I wanted to stay beside a toilet just in case, so most of the day was spent in my hotel room.


December 20th - Got up at a decent time and went to a buffet by the ocean to try the hamburger and spaghetti over there. They make a mean hamburger and spaghetti over at that buffet. Went in the pool an hour or two afterwards, and I began to see some dark grey clouds develop, so I got out of the water. It's good that I did because soon after, there was rain that came down, thunder & lightning. Not lots, but enough to put a damper on things.


December 21st - Got up after the noon hour and realized that our door key cards weren't working anymore so my dad and I had to wait until the 2 cards worked again. Another pair of cards were issued to us and we both went down to the pool area where I had a strawberry drink and then a banana drink... both of them were daiqiris, but without the alcohol.


December 22nd - Today I wanted to go to the pool, but my dad was busy packing stuff up and he definitely didn't want to leave anything behind, so packing a wet bathing suit up wouldn't be good, so I just didn't go swimming, and that was fine with me.


December 23rd - I woke up at 7 in the morning, although I did set my clock radio for 8am to buzz, but I woke up an hour ahead of scheduled. I was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and stoked to get on the plane yet again back to Montreal. Took off at 2:30 and landed at 6pm. While on board, I watched Bad Moms. What a fun movie, and it's also a comedy.


December 24th - Christmas Eve! This morning I discovered that my JVC radio receives a new AM radio station. Since 760 WHCP signs off for the overnight hours, I am thinking right away that it might be a 750 station. At this point, though, I didn't hear any identification from the announcer. What the hell?! Now I know why, lol! There something totally wrong wil the AM tuner tonight. 750 acts like 1650 AM and 780 acts like 1690 AM. Never had that problem before. Don't know why my radio is acting up this way now... sorta funny actually. Still is acting this way during the day time, and today was the day when I put Sonic 95.5 FM back on the air. My transmitter was sort of useless down in Punta Cana because I wanted my dad to have the transmitter for the duration of the trip, but it didn't work out the way he wanted, so the FM transmitter was kept off over there. Came back from grocery shopping because all the grocery stores are closed on Christmas Day. Tonight for supper is meat pie, and then apple pie for dessert. It was also the night when my dad got Animal Planet included is his TV package.


December 25th - Christmas Day! I woke up around 9:15am and started my day off with a stretch, this afternoon we are invited to our friends for out annual Christmas supper. We don't impose or anything, they just like inviting us every December 25th. And today was the day that my laptop's clock wanted to stay on the Dominican Republic's time, which was kind of funny to me, lol. Also, when I was over at the resort in the DR, my walkman decided to stop working, and now because I am back home, my laptop is now having some WiFi problems, so I don't think I will be broadcasting Doggy Radio on Sonic 95.5 FM tomorrow morning just in case I get spurts of dead air, and you know that I *HATE* dead air. When I listen to a radio station, even when it's my own radio station, there NEEDS to sound at least. Since my dad got Animal Planet, I have the channel as my channel when I power my TV terminal on, and I have been enjoying that channel for a good few hours now.


December 26th - Totally forgot about sending this in for Doggy Radio, so I'll do that right now, and it seems that I am now okay with the WiFi at home. It probably was just a faulty Windows session that I had on at the time. Anyway, I will send this to Boomer right now... it's almost 1:35 in the morning.

Thanks as always to Boomer & Ricochet for having my blog week after week, and get yourselves ready for either next week or the week after fo the return of JaSonic reading his own blogs for Doggy Radio with a much more crisper sound to it.

And also, get ready for the Doggy Radio SPECIAL coming up this coming Saturday night into Sunday when the ball drops to 2017 Saturday at midnight. NEW YEAR'S EVE SPECIAL!!! Right here on Doggy Radio. AM 1610 Red Caboose Radio, AM 690, and of course 88.7 FM will all have coverage of all the celebrations. So tune in on Saturday starting at 9pm ET or maybe earlier for all the fun these guys will be having - needle drops and all that cool stuff.

