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Hedgie With a Bloggy on Doggy January 9, 2017

Posted by JaSonic
Jan 09 2017

My deepest apologies, guys, since this week won't be an audio blog done by me. The reason behind this is because this hedgehog has strep throat, and if I try to even attempt to do an audio blog this week, all you will be hearing would be me talking in a hoarse voice and I want to avoid that and let my voice rest since my throat is swollen. I need to get it all fixed by Tuesday because I need to DJ the exercise class. If I can't go in on Tuesday because of my ongoing strep throat, you guys will be the first to know about it.

This weekend, though, I was in the state of Vermont from Friday to Sunday, and I will be back way before Doggy Radio starts for this week, and I will also be able to catch The Rabbit Hole and Radiolawn.

Speaking of which, I will plug The Rabbit Hole's Donation Drive on this week's blog. The Donation Drive happens today, January 9th, until the 15th. He'll be on every single day between those dates from 9 in the morning to 6 in the evening, all times Eastern. He needs $1,500 to continue playing music for you guys, and since he loves DJing for you guys like DJ Sonic loves to please his audience whenever possible, he would love to stay on the air as long as possible. Please donate this week or any time you want, Romeo will accept money any time of the year and that money will be put in good use. He won't go spending it whenever and wherever, so don't worry about that.

You can donate by going to one of these two links - Pay Jason Swinehart using PayPal.Me or http://www.patreon.com/rabbithole

That's it for me for this week. Thank you, Boomer and Ricochet. Now, for Ricochet's oddly-enough weird-named viewers of his. Take it away, Sheepy shrub. I kid, I kid! You know that I love ya, Ric.

ADDENDUM!!! This morning, Sunday, the strep throat went from bad to worse where I was stuffed up. My dad says that there are not many clinics that are opened on a Sunday, so I will have to tough it out I guess. This means I won't be listening to Doggy Radio live, but I will be catching it on the podcast. Sorry, but this strep throat just came from nowhere, pesky germ. The important thing, though, is for this hedgehog to get better real soon.

