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Vacation blog for July 3rd, 2017

Posted by JaSonic
Jul 03 2017

My vacation blogging continues...

Monday - I went with my dad to a restaurant to help celebrate a friend's 70th birthday.

Tuesday - Came into the Action Center to surprise people since I told everyone that I was going to be on vacation until September and that was on June 9th. I was DJing with my friend, Shawn. He put on his megamix, which was good. He had a really good megamix. There was a big thunderstorm with heavy rain coming down while I was in the Action Center and thankfully the power didn't go out. Before I hopped on the bus to go home, the sun after the rain was really hot and I couldn't wait to get on the bus to avoid my skin getting burned. Anyway, after supper, I decided to do some copying of music to 2 external hard drives. One to a 931-GB one (a present that Nick's dad gave me for my birthday) and some copying to a 64-GB stick. I like to copy stuff, it keeps me from doing horny stuff to Sonic, although I do like that and Sonic likes it when I do that to him, I am trying to control my horniness nowadays. Enough about that, I'll get to Wednesday.

Wednesday - Early in the morning, I copied some more songs on my 64-GB stick, songs that I forgot to copy from my "DJ Sonic 3", "DJ Sonic 6", "DJ Sonic 8", "DJ Sonic 9", and "DJ Sonic 10" on my C drive. I went into CKUT and I told everyone that I was gonna be on vacation as well. There was one more teching job I had to do for Thursday as well.

Thursday - Off The Hour @ CKUT.

Friday - BAZAAR! Was DJing for a whopping 9 hours during the event alongside Shawn as I asked him if he wanted to join. The organizer, Maria, wanted to listen to him play to see how good he is. He did fabulous, and I am his manager, so I pat him on the back for a job well done.

Saturday, July 1st... CANADA DAY! - 1st official day of my 2-month long vacation! Boy, was it ever humid outside today. I was waiting for some pretty powerful thunderstorms to come my way, but they fizzled out. It was also too humid for me to go see the fireworks at night since it was the starting of the fireworks competition. I was anticipating those storms, but as I said, they fizzled out.

Sunday, July 2nd - Like last year, I will mark the month and the day while my vacation's going on. Earlier on this morning, Yahoo! Mail was down, and I don't know why because I checked the status of it, and it said it was up, so I don't know what the heck happened there. Anyway, sitting here waiting for tonight's furry programming. I will go get my groceries later on since I need some good stuff to keep me awake.

Grocery bill for Sunday: 3 cheeses, 2 Monster drinks, a box of sponge cookies, a box of cookie chips (a blend of cookie combined with chip), and some Goldfish. I already got some Diet Pepsi left from my purchase of 2 6-packs on Thursday night for the Bazaar on Friday.

Thanks for listening to both The Rabbit Hole (Radiolawn between 2 parts of The Rabbit Hole), and Doggy Radio everyfur! Now back to your regular covfefe (Donald Trump's Twitter reference)! As I have stated before to some people in Pawpet IRC, this hedgehog continues to support Rapid T. Rabbit, Oh! Pawpets, The Woulfe Pack, and the Funday Pawpet Show since it's very kind of them to contribute some of their own time for the audience.

Just before I sign out, I want to wish my friends to the south of me a very happy Independence Day on Tuesday!

