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Vacation Blog July 17, 2017

Posted by JaSonic
Jul 17 2017

My vacation blogging continues...

July 14th - Starting on Friday this time, I went to bed at 4am only to wake up at 9:40. First, I needed to pick up some more fidget spinners, 2 more since the one I had (and sent to Boomer to put on the site) broke. I didn't know that it had metal parts, so I played with it in water. That wasn't really good, and it totally broke on me... first I tried a remedy - soak it in vinegar and then wash it off with rubbing alcohol, but that didn't work at all. I mean it did work for a time, but then the metal bearings totally rusted out on me, so I had to throw that away and was thinking where I could buy some more... my dad said that they were selling some at the dollar store, and he told me this either Wednesday or Thursday night. So I went there this morning before hitting the road to go up north to the Blues Festival, and they were $5.99 each and I bought 2 of them. Blue, of course, like the one that I accidently broke. anyway, it's like 1:50pm and we're already here. I tried to get that 105.5 FM station while we were coming here and it looks like the station went off the air. Oh well, it's fine. When we finally came to the room at 3:30, I tested my other laptop out because there has been known to have problems, and as it stands, they still persist, but with the laptop I am on right now, pfffft I absolutely have no problems whatsoever! It runs like a total charm, this laptop. My dad said that the other laptop might be good for the garbage, but I know that it's very finicky with Windows 10, and I don't know if it's even possible to downgrade it to a Windows 7 again because it's still a good laptop and it would be a total shame to throw that laptop out, but if we can't salvage it, well I guess we won't be able to keep it. *sad face*

July 15th - Saturday. Didn't do much of anything, but I did get some groceries. 2 ham sandwiches, 3 types of cheeses, and 1 Magnum ice cream on a stick coated with chocolate, yummy!

July 16th - Woke up and went downstairs for the breakfast buffet. This time they didn't have too much to offer, but eh it's fine. During the evening, I went down and got two more of that Magnum ice cream on a stick, still the peanut butter one, came up here and got a plate to eat over, and I enjoyed the ice cream thoroughly! I need to be careful with my money, though, since I want to really enjoy myself at What The Fur coing up in about 10 days from now, ooh am I ever so excited!!!

Anyway, on Friday I did watch a show, and the artist's name was Coco Montoya. That was a good show, and I stayed for 55 minutes. That was the highlight of my whole weekend, and I love it over here! I told Romeo that I wouldn't be listening tonight and not Doggy Radio either. Told Boomer as well, so he's fully aware.

