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The Positive Hedgehog for January 15, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Jan 15 2018

LATE startup to The Positive Hedgehog for Thursday afternoon

Since I did Monday and Tuesday, I will say that Wednesday was a dull day and today, Thursday, I decided to play the Doggy Radio podcast that I missed when it went live. After my January 8th edition of The Positive Hedgehog, I watched a cruise (Norwegian Breakaway) caught in that cyclone bomb on the east coast, thanks to our Weather Network (just showed a small clip so I went to look for it on YouTube and I got the whole video of that small snippet that I saw). By the way... Ricochet wanted to know why I threw my Sonic fursuit out last week, and I will tell you why this week... BED BUGS! Bahhh! I hate them. They are really annoying, and they also are crawling on my computer desk as well, darn things. The partial fursuit was big, and I know that there would have been some hiding spaces for them and I didn't want to go to a fur con or something and get bed bugs on stuff if I lay my fursuit on any surface. I just wanted to have a precaution. Yes, I did say last week that I really hated doing that since it was a Sonic fursuit and I put some hours customizing it for me to fit into him, but it really needed to be done. Back to my ramblings, I went to the grocery store for Friday and then Sunday into Monday since there might be very inclimate weather for me to go to the store on Sunday. It's great that I was able to go today.

Oh, and due to the weather, our power grid is very strong, but things can get interesting during the weekend.

Anyway, that's all for now.


Saturday morning ramblings

Very snowy this morning, and some officials are telling Montreal residents to stay home if they can. Some city buses are having trouble to get people to their destinations because of the snow. I had something else thought up for this morning's ramblings, but I forgot what I wanted to ramble about, eh it's fine. Speaking of "Eh", last week, Ricochet liked the Canadian custom, but I dunno about this week. FUCK YEAH! Oh yeah I think I just remembered what I wanted to write, lol... This is the 3rd week that I have been extending Pabst. By that I mean I still have the same 12-pack of Pabst that I bought 3 weeks ago. Ain't that ridiculous?! Anyway, yeah, I am taking my time with the beer not to have dizzy spells left right and center. Yeah, that's a good excuse for snuggling my plush toy, but being dizzy like that I'm sure it's not healthy.

Yesterday, Friday, I didn't write an entry to The Positive Hedgehog because I was being really entertained that EVERYONE at the Action Center joined in for the Wheelchair Dancing class, and that made this DJ, DJ Sonic, smile from coast to coast! I mean I really REALLY had a good time yesterday! I hope it goes on like that every Friday, but I am in rotation this year since I spoke to DJ Pump, Shawn, about it and we agreed on every Friday afternoons we would rotate DJs, like one Friday it would be DJ Sonic and then the 2nd Friday it would be DJ Pump, and then back to me the 3rd Friday, and so on and so on. That works better since we each have our own things to do on the computer when we don't DJ that afternoon.

More later...


Sunday afternoon ramblings

Well, I am sure you guys miss me in Pawpet IRC, but I again will have to miss out on The Rabbit Hole AND Doggy Radio since I definitely want to go to a buffet tomorrow. This buffet is not a large chain and only has 8 locations in the province, and the closest one to us is on the south shore, and I don't wanna be there all tired and stuff like when my dad treated me to a local Chinese buffet, Fu Lam, on Christmas Day and I stayed up to listen to Doggy Radio that morning. BAD IDEA! This time, there won't be any of that. I guess the next time that you'll see me in Pawpet IRC will be on the 21st and the 22nd of January.

A big thank you goes to all of you for raising a ton of money for The Rabbit Hole & Oh! Pawpets. Without you there wouldn't be anyway that these shows would continue.

Anyway, that's all for this week on The Positive Hedgehog.

The Positive Hedgehog / Sonic out
