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The Positive Hedgehog for January 22, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Jan 22 2018

Monday rambling in the noon hour

So, I know that some of you, if not all, missed me in Pawpet IRC these past few weeks. I have been correcting my sleep schedule to not stay awake during vampire hours. Does this mean that's it for The Rabbit Hole and catching Doggy Radio on podcast each week? God, I hope not because I miss listening to Romeo and you guys and broadcasting the furry content on Sonic 95.

Anyway, with all that aside, today is the day where my dad and I will be going to a big buffet, and when I say 'big', I mean bigger than the rest of the buffets that I have gone to. I would say that the one that I go in Chinatown, on occasion, is 2nd to this one. In my own words, I said that this buffet is a 'Las Vegas-style' buffet since it's so huge inside. On January 4th, my dad wanted to treat me to this buffet, but there was a very long lineup to sit down and my dad was figuring that it was a 30-minute wait at least. I found out that there was a Buffet Fu Lam nearby, so we went there instead. I know that I spoke about this Fu Lam before in a previous entry of mine as well.

More later on.


Sunday afternoon ramblings on The Positive Hedgehog

Wow! It seems so long that I last did an entry, but that's okay. Doggy Radio is more important anyway. Anyway, I fixed it so Tuesdays would be Shawn's (changed from DJ Pump to DJ Sonic 2) day to DJ since I want him to have more experience in the DJ life, and I (DJ Sonic) will be on every Fridays when the Action Center is opened since there are times when there's outings for the Action Center gang. That's okay because I am a great DJ anyway since the teacher expressed that I am a great DJ, and Shawn is just learning, so this is why I gave him the Tuesday position. I DJ all day on Fridays anyway, but enough about that... I want to talk about today, Sunday. Seems that I may or may not be able to stay awake for both The Rabbit Hole and Doggy Radio since I got my sleeping pattern fixed. I am listening to last week's podcast while I write my last entry for this week. In the next couple of days for this hedgehog, it will be really dicey in terms of weather. It said ice pellets on Tuesday for like 2 days on my weather application, and with a very high percentage, but now there's a weather warning out for my city and they just say rain on Tuesday, so I dunno... weather is very difficult to predict at times.

The Positive Hedgehog / Sonic out

P.S. A big thank you goes to Romeo for keeping us furs entertained every week. Now, back to your regular program on Doggy Radio...
