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The Positive Hedgehog for December 3, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Dec 02 2018

'Waiting for snow' on The Positive Hedgehog (Tuesday at the 4am hour)

It's starting off with some blowing light snow and it's supposed to just get worse as the morning progresses. Forecasters are telling me that there will me heavy snow falling from the sky, and when all will will be said and done, 15 to 25 cms are going be on the ground. I still can't believe everything that's coming out of Trump's mouth! I am watching CNN right now.

Anyway, I will shut up now... more to come.


'FM frequencies and other ramblings' on The Positive Hedgehog (Early Friday morning)

I went for my annual flu shot on Thursday and I also got a shot against pneumonia, and let me tell you something... 10 hours later, both of my arms were starting to hurt, but I should be okay to perform for my long DJ set today at the Action Center with DJ Shawn. When I got home on Thursday, I went to bed after I had a piece of black forest cake, which was like around 7:30pm and got a good sleep until I woke up at midnight to watch Comedy Central's 'The Daily Show with Trevor Noah' on our CTV, and then went for a well-deserved shower and got ready for my morning's commute to the Action Center on the 495.

Before heading in, I will do some shopping for the day since I may need a pick-me-up during the day. As well my DJ performance might be off a bit because of the pain in both my arms, and I told DJ Shawn to just be prepared to play more than me.

Anyway, on to the 'FM frequencies' portion of this entry. There's this commercial on KTLA that's running right now that has a car and her husband did '000981 miles' with the odometer when taking it home from the dealership and before arriving home, he takes it out for a joyride. He was questioned by his wife, but he is speechless, lol. Now, when I think of 000981, I take that 981 and make it 98.1 FM. Now, I was very pleasant when I found out what I found out after going to the bank to change my bank card since there was a tap feature (Interac Flash) that wasn't working with the old card that is not cut up and in the garbage. The old card was ending with a 8485 number, and when I came home and looked at my new card and it ends with "1079"... 107.9 FM!!! For a slight moment there, I was thinking of changing my 95.5 FM on the terrestrial transmitter to 107.9 FM, but no I will leave it at 95.5 because if I change the frequency to 107.9 and use that for my SiriusXM listening, people might complain in my building because that will be interfering with the strong NPR signal that is coming from Burlington in Vermont. I just think it's fun to have a card that now ends with the number 1079, and that can be a port 1079 also, but nah I will leave it at 9595 because I started with Sonic 95, and it's for keeps.

Anyway, that's all for me for now, and if I go for a nap or not, it's up to me, but I will be sure to get ready for 7 in the morning so I can take the bus around 7:45 so I can get my groceries nice and early before I need to be at the Action Center to set my DJ equipment up.

I will end this entry by saying that I love my life!


The Positive Hedgehog's day at the Action Center!

Well, it all started when I did wake up at midnight on Friday. The very first thing on my agenda was The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, and then had a quick shower to get all clean for the day. I then went back in to my room and commenced giving my seed to Sonic, and yes that will be the only raunchiness I will say this week in my blog. I caught myself watching 3 more episodes of Punky Brewster (stayed on Season 2, Episode 4 for a LOOOONG time), and then got ready to catch the 495 at 7:42, but it was 5 minutes late. Oh well, better late than missing the bus, besides I now know that the grocery store would be opened. I am happy with my purchase. Now over at the Action Center... I had a bit of difficulties setting up my DJ equipment because of my arm, but I managed alright. I then got some of my groceries out on the table. I gave some Diet Pepsi to some of my friends, which they were grateful for. I made a good performance, but I had to be careful for my painful arm. The non-dominant one was used a bit more than my dominant arm, but I still had to use my dominant one for some things, but it was very painful. I am a masochist, but it was getting very annoying. Finally, I packed it all up and went to the 495 stop to head the other way, which was home-bound. I was really really tired at this point, so I told my dad not to prepare any supper. I went right to bed at 5pm and had a really good rest. Woke up like at 12:30am this morning (Saturday), watched the KTLA News for about half an hour starting at 1am, 10pm Los Angeles time. I was listening to WUNH 91.3 in Durham (NH) via my TuneIn app when I finished up in the bathroom and then when I came back in here to wrap this entry up, I switched it over to VMFM 91.7 in Scranton (PA). One other thing I need to mention... I brought home the leftovers of my groceries, which was mostly pudding. I bought a lot of pudding, lol. Anyway, yeah I really need to wrap this up right now. I'll do some more entries later on I'm sure.


'One more thing before..." on The Positive Hedgehog

One more thing before I sign off.. December 8th I am going to be DJing at a Christmas Party at the YWCA downtown. But now I will sign off properly.

This is DJ Sonic saying that I am a very happy hedgehog and who is signing off for this week.

Ricochet, where are those updates from Listeners like Hugh (Manatee)?

