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The Positive Hedge for December 10, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Dec 10 2018

'Snow Buddies' on The Positive Hedgehog

Monday evening - Well, Boomer has talked about it time and time again on the show and with me and this time I got to watch it on Toronto's YTV. I'm happy that the channel is unlocked... that was such a sweet movie. Anyway, I just wanted to write a small entry telling you all that I finally have watched it, and they showed a preview of Santa Paws 2 that will be shown on Thursday, but I dunno, I may skip that one just because I have to make room for the podcast of the Doggy Radio that I have missed live.


'SiriusXM on speakers, furry programming now on laptop speakers' on The Positive Hedgehog

Since the terrestrial FM transmitter is now out of service (gave it to my dad), I am now waiting to have another transmitter. I told my dad that I would buy another one, but he still went ahead and bought 2 more (one to use already and another one as backup). As of right now, I am using my laptop speakers for any audio that I would like to listen to while my Logitech speakers are hooked up directly to SiriusXM. Right now, as I write this entry, I am listening to BPM (which is EDM). My subwoofer works good with the dance music. Why wouldn't it anyway? So yeah, since the current FM transmitter is out of commission, I will see about managing myself around this.


"Doggy Radio pawdcast' on The Positive Hedgehog

Yes, I started the podcast at around 9:30 Tuesday evening. I didn't do much today, so this will be a very short entry today.


'Carrefour Angrignon and then DJ event' on The Positive Hedgehog

Today, Friday, was a DELIGHTFUL surprise for everyone at the mall and there was this person named Jessica who missed me dearly, and starting next Tuesday, December 11th, I will be going to the Action Center to DJ with Shawn since there's Andrea's exercise class on that day. I wasn't going there on Tuesday all this time because there was a person that didn't really like the volume level I was playing at, but it has been resolved, so I am going to be back to Tuesdays and Fridays starting on the 11th. So, I have added the 11th, the 14th, and then the 18th. I don't think I will be going back to CKUT anytime soon. Yes, I like the radio station, that that hill is hellish to climb for me. I mean I could take the 144 from Atwater (Boomer, look at the subway map that I sent you), but nah why? I mean I do like talking on the radio and to play the files needed in the news program I go for, "Off The Hour", but what for when my expertise is in music? I mean sure we talk in between files being played, but it's not really my specialty. Anyway, on to my next subject...

On the 8th, so when this gets published on the blog section, it was this past Saturday, I will be DJing a Christmas Party downtown starting at 4pm going until 8pm. I am happy that I really am branching out, although it's been like the same outlets for a few years now, but eh I guess it's best like that. Also, I wanted to play at a New Year's Eve bash at a restaurant, but I didn't call in time. Also I am pretty sure I need to send in a sample of what I play and audition to the position. I mean I adore music lots, and I want to go around having to audition if I can. I just play music to make people very happy. Okay, that is all for now so I might write something on Sunday or just write in to sign off.


'Christmas party on the 8th and grocery bill' on The Positive Hedgehog

So, Saturday night was the BEST! My music was EAR-BLEEDING! I usually leave the volume, on MIXXX, like half way to max, but yesterday it was at one-quarter away from being at maximum. My Logitech system held the overload since it was like I was just beating on my speakers with very high volume. Right now I am just sitting pretty at the computer desk writing this entry to the blog. I had a very good sleep since I just crashed and burned. Woke up this morning, Sunday, feeling all chirpy. I went to the grocery store and bought a whole lot of douche!

5 cheeses, 5 caramel flavor popcorn, some maple sugar truffles, an almond & peanut party platter, and a 6-pack of Diet Pepsi... so like I said, a whole lot of douche for $74, lol.

I think I will end my entry here and the blog for this week. Thank you (Boomer & audience) for reading my entry. A big shout-out to Romeo Rabbit for the 5 hours that he does on most Sunday nights into Monday mornings.

This is JaSonic, Sonic the Hedgehog lover, and all points in between (yeah, I kinda did steal that line from Romeo, hehe)... Sonic out.

