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The Positive Hedgehog for December 24th, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Dec 23 2018

The Positive Hedgehog for Monday, December 17th

I just want to say that with all the music that Boomer played on last week's show (confusing, I know, since I am writing this right after the show on the 17th... should be this week's show, but since this is going to be read on Christmas Eve's show, it's last week's show) is not going to compete with The DJ Sonic Show, so you don't have to worry about that. Second of all, this hedgehog ONLY uses WiFi, no hard wire ever.


'OGG format for Sonic 95.5 FM' on The Positive Hedgehog (Monday night into Tuesday morning)

Yup, I listened to half of the show in the living room, back with the headlights on the wall, lol, but I wasn't paying attention to that really... I was listening to the quality of the audio on my FM transmitter, and even on OGG format on my Sonic 95.5 radio station... I just couldn't believe the sound. I was astonished! Also, I was closing my eyes while listening because I felt really sleepy, but thankfully I didn't fall asleep while listening to the show... that would have been bad if you finish the show and then I would be left with dead air on Sonic 95.5 FM, hehe.

Anyway, more later.


'Not hating Boomer on this' on The Positive Hedgehog

Tuesday was a glorious time at the Action Center. Did my gig along with Shawn, we both have a great time when we're together. When I came back home later on in the afternoon, I dropped my things off and then went for supper at Taco Bell and those yummy 5 cheese quesadillas. I then went on my Nuit Blanche despite of how cold it really was out. I wanted to go around and see the Christmas decoration on peoples' houses. It's a festive time of year.

Now, Wednesday rolls around... had a lunch buffet and then came home and had a nap. 8pm rolls around and where's Boomer to enable port 9595? I was thinking he could have been out at a Christmas party or perhaps just fell asleep not noticing the time. I am not mad at him, I just will move my "Sonic Christmas Party" down a few days.

I have a Christmas party to DJ at downtown this Friday, so I am reserving the 20th and the 21st as days to get ready for my gig. I will have the 22nd, 24th, and 25th available to me. The 23rd has a huge X on it because that will be my 'furry programming' night and I want to have Sonic 95.5 FM carry the content.

That's all for now.


'Finishing off my blog, 2nd to last one for the year' on The Positive Hedgehog

Wednesday into Thursday, I was growing concerned because Boomer wasn't replying to my E-Mails since he had a major computer crash and I was thinking a bit too morbid at the time because on either Thursday or Friday, someone [either accidently or DUI (driving under the influence)] smashed a restaurant in Pittsburgh, but I don't think it was in the area that Boomer was, so I was happy that he wasn't in that area.

There's been a lot of odd things that happened to this hedgehog in 2018, but I don't remember all of the events that took place, and it's best to forget them. The only ones that do matter to me are the days at the Action Center and the days that I was DJing 2 Christmas parties. December 8th and 21st, for example, were the best. Yes, I had requests for me to play certain songs, and that's what a good DJ is supposed to do, am I right?

Let's not forget that infamous 9595 port that I DJ on at times. On December 22nd, a few hours before I finished my show, I started feeling weird, and I knew that I have this ongoing unfinished business with Sonic I have going on, but still, I needed to finish my show, and I don't think I was being wise about being on the air for those last few hours since I was playing with the pitch of songs, doing a lot of sound effects, and even putting 'Bitcrusher' on my voice, which sounded SOOOOO weird to me, and yeah I was laughing also.

Uhmm, I was going to share with all of you the munchies that I got from the grocery store, but nah, that will take up too much time. Just know that I still have a few cans left of the Bud Light Radler (Lemonade) left. Takes more watery than the grapefruit Radler, but eh it's okay. I wanted to taste it.

Well, that's it... 2nd to last blog of 2018. This year was a blast, but on to more exciting things in 2019 (although there's one more blog to put together next week and it will be read in the early hours of NEW YEAR'S EVE!!!)

I hope you all had a good 2018 as well. Next week I will try to make a special blog. Thanks to Romeo for The Rabbit Hole, Ricochet for Radiolawn, both Boomer & Ricochet for Doggy Radio, and JaSonic for his take on The Positive Hedgehog each week. A grand applaud for them.

JaSonic out.

'Something that I thought of, just something very short' on The Positive Hedgehog

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house,

not a creature was stirring, but maybe Mickey Mouse,

when all of a sudden, a voice was heard... it was JaSonic,

and he was exclaiming to everyone, "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Happy New Year!"
