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The Positive Hedgehog for December 17, 2018

Posted by JaSonic
Dec 16 2018

'Rant about the player still on Doggy Radio's site at 9am' on The Positive Hedgehog

Hi everyone, welcome to a fresh new week, although you'll all be hearing this on the 17th. I want to start by saying that I have checked the Doggy Radio page and the players are still up even at this hour. Either a VERY long Doggy Radio was just had, there was a power outage at the studio in Pittsburgh, or Boomer just fell asleep and was too tired to update the page to get the podcast out there for the audience to download. But yeah, wow talk about climate change - VA and NC was just socked some several inches of snow and that are not used to that... even some parts of South Carolina as well.


'Radio stations' on The Positive Hedgehog (still on Monday the 10th)

I go to VMFM 91.7 to listen in and what do I hear? Christmas music... not at all alternative, lol. And a slogan change for the holiday season. VMFM 91.7 is no more for now... it's now Christmas 91.7 for the holiday season, but then I went to Radio Locator and looked Scranton up. 91.7 didn't say "Holiday", but there was another station in Wilkes-Barre (if you go south on I-81 just for a few miles). 92.9 WGMS is playing Holiday music too, so I don't know why VMFM is doing this. Maybe it's trying to bring back the Christmas magic that was on July 25th of 2015 for just that one day, but then again 92.9 is doing the same thing. Hmm... strange. Also, I dabbled in PhotoImpact a bit to see if I can make a logo, the new Sonic logo for the upcoming Sonic movie in November of next year, transparent. It ain't that easy anymore. Maybe I have lost what Boomer taught me, so I will just have to wait until he can re-teach me on how to do this, because I thought I remembered with the Magic Wand and to go invert the selection.


'doggyradio-12-10-2018 vs ddoggyradio-12-10-2018' on The Positive Hedgehog

Both were in OPUS format, but one was saved as a HTML document with 668 bytes, I don't know how that is possible having 'ddoggyradio-12-10-2018' was still saved as .opus. I am happy that Boomer corrected the issue. 'doggyradio-12-10-2018' was the perfect fix. Tonight (Tuesday evening), I received some guests. Today, though, I have been to the Action Center. Success yet again! Now I will wait until Friday.


'3 days in 1' on The Positive Hedgehog

The 3 days involves Thursday (December 13th), Friday the 14th, and Saturday the 15th. This is an addendum to Thursday's technician being here, it's now 3pm and WiFi is still off. That's fine since I am only broadcasting to my local radio station. I don't need the Internet for that. The WiFi went off at around 2:10, but then again I say that it's fine. I am just having so much fun broadcasting on 95.5 FM! I am into radio and it shows! I started to DJ on my station around 11:30 in the morning. Just what I wanted to do which was finish right at 4pm, and I am happy. The last song was totally redlined, but surprisingly it wasn't distorting. I guess it depends on certain songs. Anyway, that's it for Thursday. My Internet is still off, but I guess I can chime in to tell you guys when my WiFi gets turned back on. No Internet still and it's 6:30. Overnight and still without access to the Internet, but my dad spoke to someone and everything *SHOULD* be fixed when I come back home Friday after my day of DJing. Friday afternoon everything was back in order. I didn't post this yet as I was writing this on my Wordpad while the Internet outage happened on Thursday. Now it's Saturday an I am back on the Net. FURTHERMORE (Some exciting news!), I will be able to listen to my furry programming back on Sonic 95.5 FM since my dad gave me a new transmitter. I don't want to get in trouble with the CRTC so I better keep it at 1 watt, Sonic 95.5 FM's ERP. In between transmitters, I was trying to think how to listen. First, it was by Auxiliary, and then it was with headphones, but now I can go back to my Sonic 95.5 FM :D

Anyway, that is all for now. Maybe I should end it here right now since my dad wants to take me up noth and will be going to eat at a Greek restaurant and will have my moussaka with rice and house salad. I'm making you guys hungry at this early hour, so I will halt myself, lol

Have a great upcoming week, guys!


UPDATE! for The Positive Hedgehog

I am no longer wanting to go up north... I had a change of heart since I had a Nuit Blanche Saturday night, and boy what a night out. I was going out to see all the Christmas lights, and I won't go out tonight, Sunday night, because I don't want to be tired and would like, if I can (probably will), listen to Doggy Radio LIVE.

Anyway, that's it and that's all. JaSonic Hedgehog is out for another week.


UPDATE #2 on The Positive Hedgehog

I got some Bud Light Radler Lemonade right now. Before The Rabbit Hole, I will be DJing on local Sonic 95.5 FM since I got this better FM transmitter (will try to not let my muscle spasms make the contact, from the plug sticking out to the interior of the transmitter, lose again).

Now that's it. Bye and adios!


'Last entry... Promise!' on The Positive Hedgehog

While I DJ on my local station, I would like to tell you all that my Christmas Party SPECIAL will happen this coming Wednesday at 8pm ET. You all know where to listen to me.

Now yeah that's IT! See you next week.

