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The Positive Hedgehog for January 21, 2019

Posted by JaSonic
Jan 20 2019

'Action Center blues' on The Positive Hedgehog

1st, 2nd, and 3rd week... Winter has not been nice to this hedgehog for the starting of 2019. I just have to say that I am writing this on a Sunday where the original entry was in the middle of the week. I will not get into details about why this is happening. Moving on... I'd like to tell you that I didn't go to the Action Center r r r r r r (echoing) this past Tuesday since I wanted Shawn to do some long DJ sets, and this is the 2nd week I didn't go. This Friday (January 18th) the Center is closed for an event. They will be playing Bingo as an evening event.

More later.


'Podcast' on The Positive Hedgehog

There was an E-Mail that I spoke of AM 690, 1620, and now AM 920. Wow Boomer, I think you are conquering the radio market with all those transmitters. I gather you have 5. 2 for FM and 3 for AM.


'Just to finish up' on The Positive Hedgehog

I just want to say that I won't be able to make it for the 3rd week in a row for my furry programming - The Rabbit Hole, Radiolawn, and Doggy Radio. This is because I can't go out to get my Diet Pepsi, since it's brutally cold outside, to be able to keep myself awake. I will download another podcast. I wanna be able to walk to the store and avoid having my dad drive me to the store. My secret New Year's Resolution, by the way, is for me to be more independent, and that means no more Action Center either until the weather is better for me to take the bus. I love taking the bus, and the car still does pollute even though my dad doesn't think so. He still fills his car with gasoline, right? He didn't go electric yet... so yeah, it still pollutes, even though the gas is invisible the comes out of the tailpipe.

Anyway, I think I have said enough. Sonic out.


ADDENDUM on The Positive Hedgehog.

This past Friday I did a show on Sonic 95 and I had a BLAST! This time, it wasn't all about party music, but a whole variety of things. A few people did come and listen. NOW that's all. Take it away, Ricochet!

