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The Positive Hedgehog for.. January 28, 2019

Posted by JaSonic
Jan 28 2019

'Life' on The Positive Hedgehog

I think this is my only entry for this week, lol, or maybe I did an entry a few days ago. Anyway, 3rd week at home. 4th week seems like it wants to improve, on Tuesday anyway. I made my very first grocery shopping online, but I am not proud of the cost they will bill me, but oh well, that's convenience for you. I don't know if Pittsburgh or most states in the USA has an IGA, but their products are very good, but sort of on the pricey side. Anyway, I think I will leave it there for this week since I will be waiting for my IGA delivery on Sunday.

Have a great week, everyone :D


'Eh not done yet, just 1 more entry' on The Positive Hedgehog

Guys, I'm going to try for a new world record here of staying awake for a whopping 38 hours!!! I woke up at 4pm ET on Saturday and since I need to do another inspection of my bed and wait for my groceries, I will see if I can break my record for 6am on Monday. The question is: Can I do it? If I hear Boomer read this on Doggy Radio in the 37th hour (5am on Monday), that means I have almost succeeded and wait until the very end, but let's not go for a 39th or 40th hour. I think 38 would more more than enough. HARD OUT at 6am.

Now I'm done. Sonic out.


'Just one more teeny tiny thing, ok Ricochet?' on The Positive Hedgehog

Ricochet, if you see me in the channel still, this means that I have surpassed my world record already, but am still going for that goal of 38 hours. Now, if I can still hold my eyes open after 38 hours, maybe to have a little fun with Sonic, I will be a real champ. Sorry I am adding addendums here to this week's blog, which I started only on Saturday, to at least have some content for you all to read.

Anyway, yeah... this is really Sonic out now.

