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The Positive Hedgehog, February 11, 2019

Posted by JaSonic
Feb 11 2019

'Action Center, nap, and KTLA watching' on The Positive Hedgehog

First, ACTION CENTER (capitalizing because I know how Ric is whenever I say the word). It was a blast! For the second week in a row I went in the morning to make up for the lost times in January. This week, though, I will be going on Friday, all day, so I will come back all tired again, but that is fine.

Nap time, yes I wanted to write my entry right when I came back home Tuesday, but I was a tad too tired, so I laid down for a nap, but then I fell asleep and I had a great sleep. A bit more than 10 hours.

Los Angeles is still messy with what I saw on KTLA. It's just every day news, ya know? But now with more extreme weather which is a bit worrisome.

And a bit extra: Now, Boomer gave an E-Mail with 'Equestria Girls' on it, but then I go ahead and reply to him with 'Esq. (or esquire) girls'. I was laughing at myself since I didn't think of looking back and checking what he used. My fault.


'Sunday at around 2:40 in the morning' on The Positive Hedgehog (soon to be called The Sonic Blog)

YES sirree, I just thought up of The Sonic Blog on the spur of the moment so on July 1st, it will be changed to The Sonic Blog from The Positive Hedgehog, so just a head's up to everyone.

Now, I want everyone to know that I won't be able to be on Pawpet IRC during the evening or on Monday morning since my and I are gonna go somewhere for just 1 night, and it had to be on a Sunday into Monday. It's fine, at least I can get the Doggy Radio podcast... I don't want anyone to worry about this hedgehog. I am okay.

OH! YES! *** BREAKING NEWS, EVERYONE *** - I found myself a girlfriend. Her name is Neo the Hedgehog on Second Life, and I will keep her real name and location private since I don't want Neo to have the same kind of reaction that Lily had, sheesh that was bad! I can now freely mention Lily's name (although Lily wasn't her real name, so what the hey) because I am not with her anymore. Neo is almost 20 years old and really into me, loves Sonic and also is a plushophile, so all of this is splendid! She also said to me that she has nothing that she hates about me. I just love that!

OK, I think this was a fairy shortened blog for this week. Have a very good week everyone!

Sonic out.


'Orford Inn - ADDENDUM!' on The Positive Hedgehog

I have arrived at Auberge Orford (french way of saying Orford in) and I must say, it's very pretty over here, and the WiFi is very strong. I got a lot of radio stations on my walkman while traveling to Magog (where this Inn is located) and while you guys will be on the radio, Doggy Radio, this hedgehog will be sleeping. Check-out is at 11 in the morning, so I can't like go to bed at 6 or 7 in the morning only to get woken up like at 10:30 to get ready to leave. I would really be dead tired to enjoy the nice drive back home.

This is why I will be downloading the podcast, but lemme tell you something... I saw lots of potholes on the way here. My dad had to dodge some pretty good ones. The government, who looks after all the roads over here, has been doing a HORRIBLE job of dealing with these potholes. This year, starting of 2019, has been the WORST winter yet in my books. Just back home, there is like very good chunks of slippery ice on the sidewalks, so I guess there won't be any Action Center for me on Tuesday, sad to say.

Now I will sign out. Just wanted to let you guys know whereabouts I was into tomorrow.

Sonic out

