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Positive Headgehog for February 4th, 2019

Posted by JaSonic
Feb 04 2019

'Getting out of that cabin fever feeling at long last!' on The Positive Hedgehog

I am going to TRY and attempt to go to the Action Center this morning. Either ice will stop me or I will just have to turn back since the building is closed today, but I hope not. It'll just be a good right to and from if that's the case. I'll see if I can write another entry later on today.


'My Facebook status will say it all' on The Positive Hedgehog

The morning of January 30th. Well what can I say? I had a really nice time at the Action Center with DJ Shawn. Yesterday morning I took my time getting to the bus stop and going to work, and yeah, I do call DJing work, but it's fun work. Now I am just reminiscing the fun time that I just had since I got out of my house after 4 weeks of being inside. Also, next Tuesday looks promising for DJ Sonic to go again, so I am very happy about that!


The Positive Hedgehog on a Wednesday night

I slept until 10pm, wow. That must be the latest I slept until. My bed is too cozy, lol.

Anyway, I am feeling quite confident in myself that ... hold on here though. I'm saying that I am feeling quite confident even though I know that climate change is happening before my eyes? It should be the exact opposite in how I am feeling right now, the only difference is that when I wake up [no matter what time it is], I don't immediately look out the window since I do close my blinds when I go to bed. Normal people do that I think. I need to get my bus pass renewed for next month and tomorrow is the absolute deadline, so I will be either hopping on the 110 or 495 to go to the subway station. Not tonight because it's a bit too late for that. Just think of it, when the OFFICIAL Nuit Blanche comes around, and I wake up like 8 or 9 at night, I'll be able to go out, start my Nuit Blanche, but nope I will have to wake up at 4pm in order to go to Taco Bell to start my night off the right way. That's all the ramblings I have for now.


'Another status update straight from Facebook' on The Positive Hedgehog

LOL here is a fun fact for everyone to take in - Since my biological clock is on its head nowadays, there are less people to talk with, which in turn makes it quieter. I know that I get lonely at times, but eh there's still plenty to do overnight... I am talking mostly about online. The Internet NEVER sleeps, and usually I can find some people to talk with on Second Life.


Update on my blog which is called the Big Beautiful Positive Hedgehog. Nah, jk it's still just called The Positive Hedgehog

I am here going all over the place on the web in the overnight hours. Yup, I am hopped up on something, I just can't put my finger on it though, but I guess it's good that I am hopped up on something because the OFFICIAL Nuit Blanche is approaching sort of fast.


'Another Facebook status for Friday morning (February 1st) on The Positive Hedgehog

I am up and awake now, thanks to the odd sleeping hours that I have been having, thanks to old man winter, lol. I guess I can blame him for some of this.

Anyway, I wanted to say that I have changed 2 things in my bedroom. First off, I took down all the cardboard cut-outs, of anything that has to do with Sonic, from my computer desk cupboard since the blue gum was getting old and they were about to fall down anyway. I just didn't want to wake up in the middle of the night only to hear a loud sound of a cardboard cut-out falling down from why cupboard.

Anyway, that's my first change in my bedroom, and now for the second change... I have placed by second mini laptop notebook next to my bed on a bedside table so I could use it for TuneIn every night. I might do other stuff with it when I am sitting watching TV in bed at times. Anyway, I am thinking that this long status that I just made would be good for Doggy Radio (part of my furry programming on Sunday nights starting with The Rabbit Hole with Rome Rabbit and ending with Doggy Radio with Boomer the Dog and Ricochet Sheepdog).


'Interesting weather for California' on The Weather Network (gonna leave this huge typo here, but I meant "on The Positive Hedgehog")

It seems that it's been cloudy and raining nonstop, either that or very windy over there. Now, with the rain in the burn scar area (remember when there were very big fires over there) is now a big flood risk area, with mud flows, rock debris flows and whole recipe for disaster. KTLA just said rain for several days, which is not very good for people living there. They need to evacuate several times in the beginning of this year it seems. Anyway, before watching KTLA this morning, I was watching WGN in Chicago, and the temperatures are much better over there. I guess the Polar Vortex is only limited to Canada now, and a well they say that it's now moving west and not east, which is a very unusual weather pattern.

Now, with that "The Weather Network" huge typo, I had some laughs at myself right after I noticed that I typed that out. I guess I had weather on the mind when I wanted to say 'The Positive Hedgehog' instead of what I said.

Anyway, I watched Groundhog Day with Bill Murray this morning and I managed to have the movie finish at the same time that Bill Murray gets out of bed every same day, on February 2nd at 6 in the morning playing that infamous "I Got You Babe" song by Sonny & Cher on that alarm clock radio.

I might leave it here because I think I wrote enough this week. This past Tuesday was a very slippery time to get to the Action Center, and I went in the morning this time, to get out of the house because I had cabin fever. I made it in okay, but I just had to watch out when I was walking on the road until the bus stop to my work.


Sonic out.

